NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

There’ll be lads taking that photo and deconstructing your life. You won’t know til you are blindsided in a whiskey fueled rant St Stephens Day.


Change the curtains will be the next step, then all the furniture. I’ll probably get a nice new modern electric heater / artifical fire this weekend. Baby steps.

Fuck the table out

Get your priorities right. Sound bar and rear speakers first

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Richie Deadlier on the bookshelf. That’ll drive a few lads demented.

Where’s your PS4?

We shall see.

I know a lot of so called “fiscal hawks” cheerleading what is going on.

Have you an adapter plugged into an adapter? You may as well buy an LG TV


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No I just have a very long adapter and a shorter one

60 to 70😮 I’ve only been there 4 times 3 in the last 5 years love the place but like yourself can’t see it happening for a good while

You’d be put off going there at the minute really

Yeah was there an average of once a month for about 5 years back in the late 90s early 00s . Then add a few times for holidays. Myself and the wife were last there a couple of years back.

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No interest atm.

If he wants his head fried.

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What would involve you having to go over there once a month that couldn’t be discussed over the phone for example, i get it if you were building something or engineering something or similar but don’t get the frequency of international business travel

Bollox. Times were good. I didn’t complain

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Sweden is the greatest country on earth.

It was moved to make room for the bed. He wants to be able to watch TV while hiding under it.