NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Oh I think it will get a lot worse when the Marxists are running the show next year.

The Democrats look like they’re a shoo in. I’d imagine you are thrilled as you’ve oft mentioned how much you love voting for them

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Depends on what flavor of Democrat. I’m a moderate so fine with the likes of Biden. The problem is the party is being taken over by the looney left, and Biden could well be a puppet. If he picks Kamala as VP I’ll be happy enough.

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Lets hope they are not taken over by the looney left then. The far right taking over the Republicans was more than enough, time for people to get their heads back

It would be nice to see common sense prevail but I fear civil war is more likely than that.

Oh by the way, whoever was telling me to mount my TV on the wall, I got it sorted out last week. New wooden floor too.

Edit: I need to sort out that cable / lead situation now


I just think what’s happening over there at the moment is terribly sad. I’ve been there 60 or 70 times down through the years (and loved the place) and had planned taking the whole family this year. Sadly that wont be the case and probably won’t be next year.


Keep the head and remember to be nice

It wasn’t me anyway kid. But it looks great

You need to get the lad who’s lady is an interior designer in there stat bro, @StoneCold ?

There’ll be lads taking that photo and deconstructing your life. You won’t know til you are blindsided in a whiskey fueled rant St Stephens Day.


Change the curtains will be the next step, then all the furniture. I’ll probably get a nice new modern electric heater / artifical fire this weekend. Baby steps.

Fuck the table out

Get your priorities right. Sound bar and rear speakers first

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Richie Deadlier on the bookshelf. That’ll drive a few lads demented.

Where’s your PS4?

We shall see.

I know a lot of so called “fiscal hawks” cheerleading what is going on.

Have you an adapter plugged into an adapter? You may as well buy an LG TV


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No I just have a very long adapter and a shorter one