NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

No. You’re more about appalling food hygiene processes these days.

Nope. The advice to avoid non-residential travel does not apply to green list countries.

The advice is kind of vague on that, unsurprisingly. My reading is that you are advised against all overseas travel, but it is safer for some countries than others. Open to interpretation.

If only we were lucky enough to a processing industry in our county, but sadly we’ve pretty much no industry in Laois

General COVID-19 Travel Advisory in Operation:

General advice to avoid non-essential travel and ‘Normal Precautions’ list of exemptions:

In accordance with Government policy, which is based on official public health advice, the Department of Foreign Affairs continues to advise against non-essential travel overseas. This includes Great Britain but does not apply to Northern Ireland. It also includes all travel by cruise ship.

Travel to a very limited set of locations is exempted from this advice. Individuals arriving into Ireland from these locations will not be required to restrict their movements upon entry. These locations currently have a ‘normal precautions’ (“green”) security status rating. As of 4 August 2020, these locations are:

  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • Greece
  • Greenland
  • Hungary
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Norway
  • Slovakia

My bolding above. It clearly says advice not to travel is exempted, does not apply, to green list countries.


You don’t have to apologise for wanting to get back to normal. We all gave up a number of rights without question 5 months ago for a few weeks to save our health service which was the right thing to do at the time. 5 months on there’s less than 10 people in hospital, 1 person dead in the last 10 days and there are still people happy to be told by some unelected health official where they can go and not go and how many people they can have in their house and that to fear other humans is a good thing. Meanwhile thousands and thousands and thousands of people die every day around the world because that’s what people do. But those deaths don’t matter because they are not being reported in bold red every day over and over and over again to keep people terrified of living.

Ye will wake up soon lads I just hope the world isn’t too fucked by the time ye do.


We have given up rights, you’re dead right and it hasn’t been/still isn’t easy on the vast majority of people. But in the 5 months you’re talking about we’ve gotten a lot back. We can travel inside the country, go to the pub, watch matches. As long as we wash our hands etc, we are pretty much free to do what we want (with some exceptions).

The pandemic isn’t over. The health service hasn’t improved in the interim. We’ve gotten from a place where we couldn’t go 2km outside our house a few months ago to where we are now. The lockdown has allowed a partial opening up.

What these measures are and all they are is a precaution so we don’t have to firefight and go back to lockdown phase 1 again.

The virus hasn’t gone away. We’ve got enough rights back that make life enjoyable, if you try, I know some are in a hard place economically and with mental health and that is thoroughly unfortunate. But they’ll be in a worse place if we get a short term gain of opening it up to fuck and we soon go back to not being able to move 2km.

It’s a very tough balancing act, trying to maintain these restrictions in a population that will grow increasingly tired of it, especially as the numbers drop which is happening because of those restrictions.

Absolutely nobody wants to have to go back to phase 1. But living with the pandemic, that is a serious risk if everything is just opened up to fuck. The HSE is still the same cluster fuck it was 5 months ago

It’s like a lad incorrectly convicted being delighted to be out of solitary and back in the main prison.


It is reasonable to ask why there hasn’t been any improvement in the general health set-up in going on five months now

There hasn’t been any improvement in 15 years bud. But health gets a free pass until there’s an election for some reason. It’s like everyone knows its fucked and it’s almost accepted at this stage.

You are utterly incapable of seeing this through anything but your own lens. It’s very disappointing that so many people are the same unfortunately.


I’m guessing the fact that infectious diseases is clearly defined and has been for a long time means that we’ve had infectious diseases for a while. Since the beginning of mankind in fact.

like you? :laughing:

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Your last post basically said yes there will be economic devastation and yes people will die from that but look it I’ll be grand and shur they let us visit our families now and at least nobody will die from this new virus that we now know is nowhere near as deadly for the vast vast majority of people.

Yes mate, it’s not deadly for the vast majority of people, but there is a subset of people for whom it is deadly. Mainly old and already very sick people. Old and already very sick people also have a subset of people who care for them, visit them and otherwise interact with them. They could be relatively young, relatively healthy people who’ll have to isolate and have no life, are you ok with fucking their mental health under the bus, so you can go for a few pints?

Also, while not being deadly, there is a subset of people who get very, very sick from this virus and require a spell in ICU, after which there are ongoing health complications after the point of “recovery”

At small numbers, which the lockdown has achieved, these subsets remain small. As the virus grows these get bigger, more people get sick, more people require hospitalisation, more people die, more people get fucked. At which point people will be economically fucked and sad and depressed and everything else.

We’re in a pandemic that has affected the globe in ways that haven’t been seen in generations. People are going to die, people are going to struggle financially, people will get depressed.

We’re at a point now where we can do certain things to enhance our lives, we can do quite a bit, especially relative to 5 months ago, when we could do fuck all.
What is it you can’t live without? Going to a GAA match, going for pints without food? Heading off to Spain?
For me, those are small prices to pay so I can move outside 2km from my home.

But you see this is the problem it is not about me or what I can’t live without. It is about the consequences of the lockdown versus the benefits of it. If there was no consequences of the lockdown I would support it 100% but unfortunately there are many, many dreadful consequences of the lockdown and there does not seem to be any discussion about this and anyone who brings it up is immediately shot down with the infantile pints “argument” or else they just want old people to die which is so fucking stupid at this stage you should be embarrassed to be saying it.

We have lived with viruses and accepted other risk in our lives since the beginning of mankind but we have decided to treat this virus differently. That was understandable back in March when the WHO told us nobody is asymptomatic to this disease and the mortality rate is 4%. We now know they were wrong about both, couldn’t have been much more wrong on it in fact but we seem to be still using those numbers to drive policy.

The virus is here to stay, limping along in this weird state will not eliminate it and the consequences of the restrictions are dire with millions of people now predicted to die of starvation in the developing world, many more millions losing their jobs and the consequences that come with that.

But yeah pints.


But your whole viewpoint rests on the argument that you let the virus off, which will bring about many of the same consequences of a lockdown. We aren’t in a lockdown currently because of the first lockdown. It’s a balancing act to prevent re entry to a lockdown

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You’ve been banging this boring drum for a while now. What’s your answer and can u provide examples of where it has been implemented successfully? There are very few countries dealing with this competently, one of them that does, you consistently criticise.

We don’t let the virus off, the virus does what viruses do. We open everything back up and continue to practice hand hygiene and wearing of masks.