NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

You should stop repeating the hoax nonsense, it makes you sound like a simpleton.

He is correct on the miracle cure, there will be one, and finding it will be the equivalent of a miracle, a miracle of science. Whether it’s a successful treatment option or a vaccine or both. And it will most likely come from a US private company working with a US university, as it always does.

The bombs and wmd’s come from the same place.

He is a head of state. He should only tell people there is a medical solution where there is an actual medical solution. Otherwise people wont take it seriously

He undermined the seriousness of the pandemic right up until someone told him to declare a national emergency

That’s your president

No, it’s perfectly reasonable to say there will be a medical solution as that’s what we expect. What’s the point of the $46.5 billion annual NIH budget if they can’t find a treatment for this disease? May as well shut them down.

It’s perfectly reasonable to expect someone to find a vaccine or treatment to cornovirus during a pandemic when no one has ever done it before? And its perfectly reasonable to lie to your population?

Jesus man, half some self respect

Are you out of your mind drunk or always this way? What the fuck are you on about, we always rise to the challenge when the need is most there. The H1N1 virus in 2009 could have been shocking in terms of worldwide deaths, but a vaccine was developed in September 2009 and billions of doses distributed in November 2009. In the middle of a fucking pandemic.

Just admit you are wrong and go back to bed.

Enrique just posted an article which reproduces the comments about it being a hoax. He said it’s the democrats new hoax. You’ve decided to believe his later comments trying to claim he was talking about something else, ie their criticism of his response. That’s your call. I’d believe he meant hoax based on all his other utterings at the time about the virus being under control and because he is a great man for the populist labels.
All the while, you’re refusing to address the point that his public attitude of denying the virus would be of consequence and obviously had a negative effect on the actions of Americans in terms of virus control.

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Yeah, he’s been way off the mark about plenty of it.

Living on past glory is a fools trick, especially when it has no bearing on the present

I wish you no ill will and I salute your daughter who will fight this on the front line

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There were no fucking controls on the public during that time frame, nowhere in the western world. At the first press conference people were encouraged about hygiene, hand washing, sneezing into elbows, that type of thing. Treat it like a bad flu outbreak, which was all we knew at that time.

When were the first restrictions put in place on travel, large gatherings, sports, etc. in any country in the western world? Do your own research and stop wasting my time. Nobody took it seriously until the WHO declared it a pandemic on March 11. Not Trump, not Boris, not Leo, not anyone in the western world. Shame on all of them, @labane1917 was warning them since late January.

Thanks mate, she’ll be fine, she’s from good inner city Limerick stock.
Hope your family stays safe.

Of course he has, but so has everybody else, they just don’t talk first and think later. Literally all the western experts were wrong, the WHO for example let us down badly. Trump would have been better off after he appointed Pence to just let him do the press conferences, and leave most of the talking to the experts.

Some of us have work to get up for in the morning m8 and cant stay up till 2 am watching tv

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The Washington Post and CNN now bashing Trump for not paying attention to potential warning reports from intelligence services on the Wuhan virus in late January / early February. Hello you dumb fucks, you are supposed to be news outlets. There was widespread reporting from sources within China and it’s neighbors about the spread of this virus in China in that time frame, and not one of the US mainstream media sources covered it. Trump would have been better off reading TFK if he wanted to stay informed.

Clearly everyone is now wise after the fact, but the reality is nobody took this seriously at the time and believed China would contain it within it’s own borders. Apparently world leaders should have recognized this as a pandemic, even though the WHO who they fund and depend on didn’t recognize it as such until March 11.

I’d read it more as Cummings found a few “experts” who agreed with him, delayed things a couple of weeks, and then thought “oh” “fuck”


Labane has said trump ‘is definitely the wrong man at the top’ but has then gone on to either defend or excuse every single criticism thats been made of him on this issue.
Why is he the wrong man at the top so?

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You need to get away from using whataboutery in your replies.

@anon7035031 has become more conservative than the conservatives themselves.

Some fascinating mental gymnastics being performed


He’s like some psycho soccer mom who will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would dare ctiticize his boy Trump.

The truth is Trump and his bum buddy Boris will have proved responsiple for the deaths of thousands before this is out with their puerile private school boy approach. Its a time for genuine leadership not spoofers chancing their arm. At least Leo managed to appreciate the gravity of the situation reasonably quick. granted his shcmaltzy speech the other night left a lot to be desired.

Leo should learn from Paschal on the Late Late last night who came across as frank and sincere and cut through a lot of the usual politic speak. The proof will be in the pudding of course but at least you were left with impression that, unlike Washington or London, our Govt, intermediaries that they are, can see the wood from the trees on this one.

If Leo is going to persist with his Churchill complex he could learn from Richi Sunak, barely a week out of nappies let alone in his new job as chancellor of the exchequer who totally showed up bumbling Boris (another failed Churchill wannabe) up at the press conference yesterday. Richi is more than likely a dangerous cunt too but this was good stuff,

Let me close with one final observation.

Now, more than any time in our recent history, we will be judged by our capacity for compassion.

Our ability to come through this,won’t just be down to what government or business can do, but by the individual acts of kindness we show one another.

The small business who does everything they can not to lay off their staff.

The student who does a shop for their elderly neighbour.

The retired nurse who volunteers to cover some shifts in their local hospital.

When this is over, and it will be over, we want to look back at this moment and remember the many small acts of kindness done by us and to us.

We want to look back this time and remember how we thought first of others and acted with decency.

We want to look back on this time and remember how, in the face of a generation-defining moment, we undertook a collective national effort - and we stood together.

It’s on all of us.