NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

This a fallacy, we’re about as well equipped to deal with it as any of the rest of Europe. Better than most actually I’d say. Every country needed to slow it to prepare their health system.

Time to open up and let this thing burn out… A dog with a mallet up his hole can see what needs doing ffs. Maori Mike can do a haka to protect his lot while the rest of us get on with it.


The virus has pivoted, its barely even hospitalising people.

Let my people go.

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We actually had more ICU beds than they did.

Jacinta in a bit of bother @mikehunt. She’s let the place go ta fuck. They’re riddled over there.

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Proof lockdowns work…

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Back under the bed down under.

hey maori Mike, there’s one for you

“a bed down under” to the tune of men at work’s “a land down under”


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tenor (50)

She’s not going to rest (or have an election) until it’s gone

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It’s an ‘iliction’ mate

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Or until she gets her ears pinned back

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Strange comment. You have a weird obsession with Ardern.

He’s an Ard-ern for her

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I think she’s trying to smug it off.

The stale pale males seems to be having difficulty with a progressive younger woman in a leadership position, and doing a better job of it than the men too.

Jesus Maria Bailey would have collected millions if she was living in the states. They’re all using the fuck out of each other over there atm.

A dog with a mallet up his hole would do a better job than 95% of world leaders mate.
I’d say Jacinta is one eyed in the valley of the blind.

Its been said a few times on here but its a COD