NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I hope @mikehunt is ok

tenor (2)


The Aussies are waking up

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The whole thing is a cod tassotti


The Aussies are saying now that History will vindicate Sweden

John Bull leading the way

Paddy has to sit at home on his own

@Batigol has been saying that for ages

About time the brits caught up on us.

its going from bad to worse for Jacinta

Leftys love a bit of restriction of basic freedoms


She’s going from one fuck up to another

Long but worth the effort

Rights dont matter for lefties. Everyone should just do as they are told.

I’m sure the fact that this leader imprisoned her population unlawfully wont make too many waves on Twitter.

I think art put that up a while back on the main thread

What are the rules for travelling between Britain and Ireland at the moment?

Odd post. You seem to have confused left with right.

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No no I’ll stand over that post.

Free to travel over, 2 week quarantine on return.

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