NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Peru knocking it out of the park

They must be amazed at us losing the plot over a few aul lads playing golf and having a bite of dinner.


A sobering moment for those individuals newly fond of brännvin:

If that’s true and common, then a vaccine won’t work at all and everyone will have to follow Sweden’s lead eventually

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Sweden’s lead…? As mentioned before, there was no science plinthing their ‘approach’.

Your dimness must leave you nigh invertebrate. ‘The fact that we can get re-infected means we should all get infected.’ Blubber wubber, twizzle wizzle.

Do you understand what the word ‘vaccine’ actually denotes? A vaccine means you cannot get the virus in the first place. So the question of re-infection, by definition, does not apply.

You win the prize for probably the most self confidently stupid online comment I have ever ran across.

I know ‘Sweden’, with lads such as you and Battygol, is a freemason’s handshake, a freemason’s trouser roll. But more than your lower calf just got exposed.

If you can’t develop immunity a vaccine can’t work. Fairly elementary stuff mate.

In this case the chap had no symptoms the second time so maybe he was immune but just had the virus in his system.

Look, you are a moron. Thinking for you is like ballet for Jack Russell terriers. Take up origami to amuse yourself. You are at nothing tendering an opinion.

You simply do not know what the word ‘vaccine’ means, do you?

I see what you did there. That’s very funny

Good to see you’ve worked on the way you speak to other posters.

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This lad was sick with first infection.

Not sick with second infection.

That may mean the virus is mutating and poses less of a threat. It main mean the first infection gives him T cell protection.

It may mean any vaccine would be like a flu vaccine and need annual updates and annual shots.

Ah, no. Tis you is funny.

If you had brains…

Sorry mate, you are simply incorrect. The response of the immune system to a vaccine is exactly the same as the response of the immune system to a pathogen, in fact the vaccine is designed to simulate the pathogen. In effect you are introducing the pathogen in a less virulent form. The robustness of the immune system response varies by pathogen, some infections we are very good at fighting off and retain that memory for a long time, others not so much.

We have long known that antibodies to coronaviruses do not persist for long, it’s why we continue to get re infected with the same cold viruses year after year, so it’s no surprise that we are seeing Covid reinfection months after the initial infection. Hopefully it’s rare.

The hope for a vaccine is a very specific one that promotes T cell production rather than antibodies, but that’s a very long shot at this stage, but is the only hope for immunity that persists.



And. You are an ultracrepidarian cunt.

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Enlighten me as to what a vaccine is there please.

No, I am not wrong at all. Quite the opposite. My point is that the ‘Sweden’ thing is bullshine. Irrefutable, on science.

Any normal halfway intelligent person adjusts when the science adjusts. Anything else is freemasonry and a draught around your calf.