NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

PayPal me for the grind and I might reconsider trying to put a tutu on a Jack Russell.

A baby freemason…

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Not so sure about that.

Second time out, the virus was asymptomatic in nature.

The issue with waiting for a vaccine remains. 5 years is aggressive for a vaccine, we are looking at a hyper aggressive timeline. Whilst the signs are very positive, it remains unlikely that one will be available to successfully see herd immunity in western populations until mid 2021.

I also think it is worthwhile pointing out again, that Sweden’s policy was NOT for herd immunity. What they said was that if immunity was a byproduct, that this was a positive that would help.

Almost every western country is going the Swedish route now, so unless you are proposing a Zero Covid strategy, I’m not sure who you are attacking.


Well, rather better, still and all, than being a conditional tense-addicted creep.

So you propose Covid Zero then globally?

What happens if the vaccine fails?

The statement “A vaccine means you cannot get the virus in the first place” is so incorrect you should refrain from further comment involving science. The antibodies produced to fight infection via a vaccine are exactly the same antibodies you develop naturally. They either work or don’t work, persist or don’t persist, etc.

The fact that >99% of those that get infected are recovering means that the immune response is working, how long that immunity lasts is an entirely different question, but the answer is the same whether immunity is conferred naturally or via a vaccine.


Terrific banter again there

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‘Vaccine’, in this context, obviously means ‘successful vaccine’.

Same way as ‘dry’ means ‘not wet’ rather than ‘dry’ meaning ‘someone with an umbrella’.

Do you understand the way language works at that level?

Further again, a pandemic proves Robert Nozick was oh so wrong. That facet will be a long time sinking in.

Yeah, I am a nice person. Happy to drop 100 IQ points and come down to someone’s level. I get it all the time.

So what happens if we don’t have a successful vaccine?


Oh I reckon you do yeah

Terrific banter, mate!

You are bearing up well, matey boy.

Ta, love. Quicksand just…

Oops, my heartie…

can someone please explain the much used “protect the vulnerable” that’s touted on here? How would you achieve that?


He owes @Julio_Geordio an apology before moving on to this one. I’m not sure the thesaurus and rolodex of pointless analogies will get him out of this one.


PPE, regular testing, stopping visits, stopping staff moving around - aged care homes. There is clear best practice now for this. Countries with a lower death rate practiced this better than others.


What Tim said, keep the vulnerable isolated from sources of infection.

who is vulnerable?

What angle are you going for here?

Are you going to go for the long term unknown side effect angle? If so, then just say it. No need to go all Glas on it.