NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I’m just saving this fine post from Sid/Dziek at 2am last night. A great end to a hard day’s internetting.

Anyway, labane had a post somewhere in the Wuhan Gang 1 thread where he says that anyone who criticises Boris Johnson’s response to the crisis is a scumbag. This post has been on my mind for a while now because I can see that our friend Labane is having a mental breakdown. This is a stressful time for everyone, but especially Labane, who has been following the crisis since Patient Zero and now the whole of California is under lockdown and he knows the virus is outside his door.

I would like to confront Labane with this post and bully him about it for a little while and then I believe he will change his ways. That would be a productive day for me. Unfortunately I couldn’t be bothered finding it myself. @Dziekanowski could you perhaps find that post from Labane please?

I’m A Doctor. The U.S. Response To Coronavirus Has Been Nothing Short Of Criminal.

“With every crucial delay, with every blunder and misstep, the toll is going to be measured in lives lost.”


That’s superb

The internet is a strange thing and despite this forum having a lot of good aspects, in another way it’s a microcosm of some of the worst of it. I think a lot of people when they start posting here adopt a sort of persona which they may not really believe at the start, but as they keep posting here they begin to take their personas far more seriously than they actually should and end up choosing to believe things they otherwise wouldn’t if they didn’t post here. “Winning” an argument becomes far more important to them than what’s really going on their e-ego takes over.

labane is a classic example of that. To be honest, I don’t really he think he’s a massive Trump head in real life or anything and he’s clearly reasonably knowledgable on a lot of things but he does have some sort of serious underlying conservative anger complex which has been progressively exposed, or should I say suddenly exposed itself (here anyway) at a certain point around the time of the Paris massacre in 2015 and has never gone away. Somehow he has turned himself into the ultimate Captain America because he couldn’t accept some basic truths about Trump years ago and dug in from there. He couldn’t accept the basic truth that vilifying the entirety of a religion, as he did with Muslims, is a recipe for disaster - and especially when somebody in a position of power does it.

I think what we have here is a combination of him taking his own e-persona too seriously and being subconsciously brainwashed on a lot of things by right-wing media. He probably doesn’t even realise how he has changed since his very reasonable posts on An Fear Rua in 2012 which called out the Republican party’s endemic racism. Now he preaches the exact opposite.

I’d bet anything that in real life he has been completely suckered by the “anti-PC” narrative. So called “political correctness” is basically about respecting minorities or disadvantaged, it doesn’t take the rights of others away. What it has exposed is the deep psychological need of a lot of white men to feel superior to women and ethnic or sexual minorities etc., that their rights should be superior to those of women and minorities - ie. a deep psychological weakness. He seems pretty sensible on something like abortion but if look back over his posts over the years there’s a lot of Graham Linehan-esque stuff about trans people and of course the litany of vile, generalised anti-Muslim rhetoric.

What he also definitely believes in is this weird stuff you get in America about “American exceptionalism”, that Americans are uniquely virtuous, that “shining city on a hill” bullshit, the “American dream” bullshit, the exact sort of mass self deception that so called “great countries” like to fool themselves with about their history and their present - Britain and Russia are hopelessly obsessed with these delusional notions too.

I think too though he has a sort of split personality and a lot of cognitive dissonance and confusion going on because whatever his protestations, he does post on too (DreamsBurnDown) and tries to come across as more moderate but the old anger is never far the surface, and all the same talking bizarre points are there. He doesn’t flourish at all as a poster there though because if you abuse people you get banned, and his whole schtick here is to try and bully people, and once he’s stripped of that he’s powerless.

For the record I sincerely believe all my political opinions in real life.

Bar an uncalled for dig at Russia, that is a most excellent post, very fair and balanced, quite insightful too. I truly hope labane grasps this olive branch with both freshly washed and sanitized hands.

So he didn’t pay attention to intelligence reports (does he ever is a pertinent question) but it’s the ‘mainstream media’ at fault for not reporting on the widespread reporting from sources within China and its neighbours? Was this widespread reporting you speak of not available to the intelligence services of the US?
I mean we know he has his issues with the intelligence services but here you seem to think that it is the mainstream media who he should be getting his info from? Doesn’t he hate them?
Do you trust the media more than the intelligence?

You should learn what a term means before using it.

To be fair to @anon7035031 I don’t even think he believes in his latest line of defending Trump and Johnson. He just ended up here as a knock on effect of some other points he was trying to make and now is left defending an indefensible position. Not that it’ll stop him mind, and sure doesn’t it pass the time for him and a few other lads fighting with him

Apparently @labane1917 now trusts the Chinese media. He has also suddenly developed a complex where he thinks China is scientifically miles ahead of the rest of the planet, given that he thinks they have a cure for the hoax virus they invented, which they aren’t sharing with the rest of the world.

The Chinese are some boyos for the oul’ hoaxes, given they’ve already foisted the hoax of climate change upon us, which gullible libtard fools like me hilariously believe to be a real thing.

Any chance sid and labane are the same poster? Sid does need someone to argue with.

Howya Tank, hope you’re keeping well. The virus is outside everyone’s door pal, stay safe.

I’ll save Sid and yourself the bother of searching, my comment was aimed at those using social media to take pot shots at governments. I’ve no issue whatsoever with constructive criticism or actual suggestions on response. You know and I know that’s not what some are doing, they are using this crisis to launch attacks on those they see as their political enemies. This isn’t the time for that, this is the time to support every effort that is going on to contain this outbreak and do your bit to contain it.

Which I have done, consistently from the beginning, including alerting TFK to this threat long before anyone here had heard of SARS-2 or took it seriously.

You’re welcome.

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They’re not the same poster but the same person is/was behind both accounts and it got too tiring for them running both accounts, hence Sid deliberately getting banned.

I’m not defending Trump and most certainly not Johnson.

The reality is we have been let down by a lot of governments, and organizations here, people you would expect would do a better job protecting us. I’m not going into the criminal behavior of China again as if people don’t understand that by now they never will. I have a huge issue with the WHO, this is one of their key roles, to identify potential pandemics early and try and shut them down. They knew this was SARS like on January 1, they knew what SARS-1 was like, and they finally responded and went to Wuhan on January 21 when it was all over China and in other countries, including the US and Europe. It was a pandemic by early February and they announced it as a pandemic march 11, a month later. There were likely millions infected by then.

Every western government ignored it until it was too late, their only excuse is the WHO weren’t in a panic about it, and they assumed China would contain it. They were all wrong, and we get to pay the price.

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A lot of people are rightly criticising certain politicians because their response has been totally shameful.

Trump obviously the worst of anybody. This is a fact. If Trump actually wanted to do something for the people of the USA and for humanity, by far the best thing he could do is resign this afternoon.

US media should also stop broadcasting his daily press conferences.

Taking his cue from Irelands Department of education, Trump gave himself 10/10 for the job hes been doing in responce to this crisis

What you definitely don’t need in this situation is a leader who is obsessed with continually congratulating themselves for everything.

You need humility and empathy, two qualities which are obviously completely and utterly lacking both Trump and Johnson.

It’s a bit weird that Trump has almost made me feel sorry for Johnson in being lumped in with him. Johnson is obviously a sociopath, an idiot and a cunt, but by any measure he’s not as bad as Trump, he’s just objectively terrible within a slightly expanded window of terrible, whereas Trump’s awfulness is such that it is not measurable by any reasonable quantifiable method.

No, they are separate but related points. The intelligence reports to Trump and Congress informed them there was a nasty virus going around China. They did nothing to prepare for it spreading globally or put pressure on China to allow the CDC in to study it. Shame on them.

There was plenty information coming out of China and Asia on how serious this was, including papers from Chinese scientists that should have sounded the alarm. Not one major western media outlet reported on it, Shame on them too.

So by ‘they’ in your first paragraph are you referring to Trump and Congress?
In the post earlier you bashed the WaPo and CNN for pointing this out then bashed the mainstream media in the same breath for not reporting more on what was happening in China without saying at all that ‘they’ had intelligence reports and still did nothing and shame on them, until I replied to it.
Are you attributing equal importance to the role and actions or inactions of the mainstream media that you dislike and distrust so much to that of the President?
Of course you don’t defend Trump.
Of course you’re not an internet character.
Carry on :smile:

edit: separate question. How much reportage is required on a subject before the President of the USA, the leader of the free world with huge resources at his disposal for information gathering can be questioned about it?

No, I’m saying WaPo and CNN are reporting this now as if nobody knew about the threat of SARS-2 in January and February, except for Trump. It’s the normal Trump bashing they engage in, the Intelligence committee of the House of Representatives get the same intelligence briefings, and none of them took it seriously either.

Trump is to blame for not taking it seriously, as are all western governments. They all had access to the same information I had when I started the original thread on COVID-19 on January 21.

Biden, who is likely to be our next president (and I’ll be voting for him) said restrictions on travel imposed at the beginning of February from China were over the top. Doesn’t sound like the next US president took the threat seriously, which is also a worry.

Everyone fucked this up mate, but we are where we are and have to deal with it now.