NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Great news… should be loads of jobs going.

Will you ask if they need a lad to sit in an empty airport supervising other lads sitting in an empty airport?


The mention of Sweden and the success of their policies had @Malarkey frothing at the mouth and insulting your unborn children. Incredible actually. I assume he’ll pop back in when he gets his head around how vaccines work.


I’m disappointed in you mate. That was a base and nasty line imho.


I’ll be ate alive now :smiley:
As put downs go it was one you’d stand up and take notice of, knowledge of @Batigol’s family situation means he couldn’t really take offence

Is it not a bit much to be moving to Sweden just to keep your 5-a-side career going? You’re fucking crocked half the time anyhow

Good feud underway on Twitter between Nicholas Taleb and Francois Balloux. Sort of Covid related.

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proper leadership

The world would be a better place without Johnson and his ilk in it.

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Outbreak in Greggs :open_mouth:

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Just when you thought 2020 couldn’t get any worse.

You okay @flattythehurdler

I’m livid


BBC newsnight here. Worst case scenario for the winter - 85000 deaths.

So that’ll be 60k with “world beating” care and attention.

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US passes 6 million. The Don crushing it here, seeing the virus driven before him, and hearing the lamentation of the women.