NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Rishi Sunak has told musicians and people involved in the arts to retrain and get a job in a different industry that’s not as affected by the pandemic. His intervention has been received as you’d expect.

Who is he?

The Paschal Donohoe of England.

Married better.

I think Poland’s big secret is it has no fat people.

Any fat cunt talking about people taking personal responsibility should be publicly ridiculed. Mary Lou for example.

What does this mean for Marlon Mack?

Life events? Like a fella celebrating his 32nd and a half birthday?


I thought it was only Ireland having lockdowns?

You thought wrong

How many cases in Chi-na these days?

Just the 10 cases a day and no deaths.
Effectively their cases and deaths abruptly stopped in March/April.

It’s a bit disingenuous to throw up an article to equate our situation as being anyway similar to other countries. Yes there are strict measures in Paris and Madrid as referenced in the article but they are not nationwide like ours.

What is the population of Paris in comparison to the entire Island of Ireland?

But Ewan mackenna said it was only Ireland had a lockdown?

Sound the way Boris always gives them a heads up before hand or avoids weekends; go fill yer boots lads.

Sounds like manc politely refused level 3 so Boris u turned.