NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

The preoccupation simpletons have with Sweden is fascinating to watch, especially simpletons in the UK which has had 60,000 Covid deaths, or close to 1,000 deaths per million. Why is it in your considered (simpleton) opinion that the UK has a 40% higher death rate than Sweden in the past 2 weeks, even though like the rest of western Europe it spent months in lockdown and is back in lockdown since early November?

So the Guardian and yourself think Sweden is doing badly recently? The UK has had 5,924 Covid deaths in the past two weeks, or 87 per million. Poland has had 6,120 deaths or 160 per million, Czech Rep 1,641 deaths or 153 per million, Italy has had 6,175 deaths or 103 per million, France 5,588 deaths or 83 per million, Spain 3,493 deaths or 75 per million. Germany which did well in the first wave has had 3,997 deaths or 48 per million. Sweden has had 632 deaths or 61 per million, closer to the rate in Germany than the rest of the larger countries in the EU.

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The Guardian is incredibly pro-lockdown (which seems odd for a newspaper that is supposed to be vey liberal). :man_shrugging:


It’s driven by the zero Covid lunatics.

That wasn’t really my point but carry on …

You said Sweden were done with Covid. You were horribly wrong.

It would remind you of the time in 2008 some self styled financial guru was on the Six One news telling us we would look back and wonder how we didn’t fill our boots with bank shares.

I was chatting to a lad in Sweden says covid hasn’t been an issue since April. Nobody cares anymore and they’ve gotten on with their lives.

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I think they just place higher importance on people’s lives than people’s freedom to go for a pint.


You are talking utter shite, as usual.

In early September. They were done with the first wave of Covid without the type of draconian lockdowns seen elsewhere. The second wave of Covid is upon us so let’s discuss that.

Instead of trying to score cheap points, address the question why every large EU country that has had lockdowns like the UK, Italy, Spain, France, Poland and Czech republic have on average 2X the death rate as Sweden in this second wave. I thought lockdowns were meant to save lives? Even Germany which had very low numbers in the first wave has close to Sweden’s death rate.

Why is that?

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Have you recovered from last weeks capitulation yet?

You are talking about people being severely ill or dying, you clown.

Rent a mouse. The evenings are drawing in.

The guardian have singled out Sweden repeatedly lately to have a pop at their approach. As @Tierneevin1979 has pointed out above, there are many countries doing FAR worse than Sweden but the Guardian has no issue with them

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Do you understand the meaning of ‘paradigm’?

Which is how, from the start, you were glossing the Swedish approach.

Just admit you were wrong. Much easier in the end.

“done with Covid”

Scratch, scratch.

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Just a random selection of European countries. It looks like Sweden have done quiet well 2nd time around. I’m not familiar with how they report deaths but it certainly looks like they are out the other side of 2nd wave now.

I know you are confidently stupid but even the likes of you might be able to grasp the implication of the fact that those other countries were not advanced as a ‘paradigm’.

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Buy why do the guardian, and so many on here, have such an issue with it. They’ve done worse than some countries and better than others. What’s the problem? Sweden have, at least, shown that there were other ways of approaching this rather than just locking the entire population down

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The lunatics who are pro lockdown are doing everything they can to try and prove Sweden have handled it badly. They can’t.

These nutters probably hated their old lives and just love lock down.

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