NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Sweden’s doing fine. What’s your explanation for the death rate chart? If covid was the killer that had you chastising them for not hiding under the bed like you surely deaths would be off the chart. Let’s hear it.

Ah you’re right. No Covid issues over there at all.

No explanation then, just under the bed hysteria. Carry on.

You should tell the Swedish authorities they’re over reacting.

Are there actually real people in Ireland hiding under beds?

You’ve said it’s been a disaster in Sweden along with their policies but the death rate doesn’t bare that out. Any explanation here of your logic to those comments?

Yes, @mikehunt who continues to advocate and agitate for lockdowns and lockdown policy

You need to tell the Swedish authorities buddy. They’re obviously missing something.

Nez Zealand are not in lockdown.

I’m asking about your comments and continued insistance it’s been a disaster with them having no lockdown. The death statistics don’t seem to agree. What’s your explanation?

How did New Zealand “achieve” that?

You need to get on to Tegnell and tell him he’s been right all along. :smiley::smiley:

Telling you can’t explain your rationale or logic when presented with cold hard statistics. All hysteria based.

I think they had a mass.

But but but cases :sweat_smile:

You’ve answered your own question there.

You’ve yet to address it. I’ll ask one more time - you’re an advocate of lockdowns and lambasted Sweden for not using it, claiming it’s been a disaster over there, however the death rate over that timeframe does not bare that out. What’s your explanation for your comments and logic here?

I don’t need to answer your question. You answered it yourself. I, like all others, hoped the Swedish approach would be successful. You may think they’re doing great. They don’t seem to think they are but hey, maybe you know more than them. This baseless arrogance is a common trait amongst the TFK ‘experts’. Some tulips were even calling Covid as being over in Sweden.

The Dutch don’t give a fuck. A noble people

No answer to the glaring statistical evidence. We’ll leave it there.