NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

You need to get on to the Swedish authorities buddy before they go full lockdown.

You haven’t addressed the logic to your comments when presented with the stats. Which leads me to believe there is none. Your opinions are hysteria driven.

My opinions matter little. Your frantic googling to find anything to justify your psychotic tendencies have obviously been overlooked by Sweden’s best and brightest. It’s time you let them know beofre they go full lock down, tick tock…

I see those Welsh gimps are absolutely riddled with it after all their lockdowns and circuit breaker shite, aye they really work alright :sweat_smile:

Frantic googling… also known as considering data and statistics before hiding under the bed and shouting at my mother for saying hello in person.

Hancock saying a new faster spreading variant of the virus has been identified and they have notified the WHO

Tony will have us under the bed before Christmas

Pfft, typical English exceptionalism. They had to have the deadliest strain in the entire empire.

They had to come up with something drastic after turfing LDN into extreme lockdown

He went on to say it’s the same variant that’s been spreading all over europe with a few months. It’s also more likely to be less deadly than more deadly going by the government advisor I just heard on the radio.

Thought all was well in Sweden? Business as usual?

I was speaking to my contact in Sweden yesterday. They are coming out of “lockdown”. restaurants haven’t closed at any stage

They don’t do lockdowns in Sweden, mate.

Yeah well there were a few that called it far too early. Understandable as they hadn’t a breeze what they were talking about but tried to make it appear that they did.

Has the death rate shot up in Sweden? Is it an outlier year for deaths there? @carryharry?

I haven’t a clue.

They must have BY FAR the highest death rate in Europe anyway?

There’s no one left alive to keep track of the deaths

The two village idiots are preoccupied with how Sweden are doing, apparently the Sun and the Daily Mail said Sweden are struggling so it must be so.

Covid deaths over the weekend: Italy 1133, Poland 690, UK 663, Germany 586, France 344, Belgium 219.

But Sweden.

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