NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

That Klingsborg sound like a watery cunt.

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Old people have been abandoned everywhere from what I can see.

And they haven’t abandoned their principles, they’ve stood by them by allowing their citizens to choose how much or little risk they take.

The passage I quote above states the opposite. Rhetoric such as “allowing their citizens to choose how much or little risk they take” is like something a deranged Tory MP would say - like Desmond Swayne the other night, a little Lord Fauntleroy straight out of central casting. This is a collective problem and can only be solved by collective solutions.

Yeah the lock everyone down route is working very well.

You’re still at it, I hadn’t checked the covid threads in a couple of months but i had a quick look tonight and it’s literally the exact same shit :expressionless:

NZ is two sparsely populated islands in the Pacific and could close it’s borders, comparisons to Europe are nonsense. NZ pop density is 18 per km2. Finland is 17, Norway 14.5. Southern Sweden is 94 per km2, roughly the same as France and Spain. There are obviously lots of other factors, the age profile of the population, etc.

The point on Sweden is they chose a different approach and did not suffer the carnage that was predicted (100k deaths). Nobody is saying they did everything right, for example they were just as culpable on care homes as most other European countries.


“collective solutions” Didn’t take long for the communist to emerge Sid.

That’s exactly it. They had fuck-ups the same as everywhere else but they showed lockdowns are not absolutely necessary. And some on here can’t stand that for some reason :woman_shrugging:t2:

Where it’s implemented well and in conjunction with other measures like effective test and trace, it’s working better, yes. In a continental and global sense, European and other “western” countries, have failed, but within that, there are wildly differing ranges of failure and abandonment of moral responsibility and leadership. Sweden would be at or near the top of that list of failure in European terms along with the UK. Worldwide, obviously the US would be at the top of the list of failure - the US almost deserves a entire category of shame of its own because the leadership there so clearly did not give a single fuck in a way that happened in no other country except Brazil.

However the New Zealand and Victoria state governments are at or near the top of the list of exemplary reactions because they identified a policy, were clear in their messaging that it would involve tough medicine and sacrifices, but were committed 100% to that policy. In other words, they treated their populations like adults.

Naomi O’Leary explains it well here.

Very strange reaction. Literally anybody in the world who isn’t brainwashed by Koch Brothers think tank propaganda can see it’s a collective problem which requires collective solutions.

I’m not going into this argument again but Sweden is not densely populated overall, but where it is populated it is very densely populated. Much more so than it’s neighbours.

For Sweden to have the 20th worst death rate in the world, with all their advantages, is a disastrous failure.

40% of households are single person households. I believe the corresponding figure in Ireland is 23%.

Sweden and the UK top of the list of failure in Europe?
Sweden has 779 deaths per million, the UK 971. Belgium is at 1,574, Italy at 1,113, Spain at 1,043, France at 912.

Any reason why you don’t consider countries with higher death rates to be at the top of the list of failure?

Those other countries have failed too. But the cavalier attitude and the arrogance of the Swedes marks them out for special mention, possibly even over the UK, I think. It seems to me that Belgium was for a long time the most honest country in terms of reporting statistics. Some months back they changed the way they reported cases which diminished the real statistics - that was widely lauded by the people who dismissed Covid as a problem - and that, I would guess that was not a help as it spread a more cavalier attitude in the country at large.

Hi Sid


Their own king has said they made a bollix of it in fairness.

The English media love to defect. It is the biggest failure overall though, the failure to put aggressive measures in place early to protect those in care homes.

What about Denmark bud?

What about Denmark, bud?