NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

The English media didn’t deflect. Their own king said they made a bollix of it.

You conveniently leave them out of all your comparisons

So fill us in on how Denmark are doing.

They locked down early in wave one and avoided major bother. Had a good exit plan and got complacent.

They didn’t do as well in the second wave and think they should have acted earlier. But by any comparison they have handled it better than Sweden

What the king said is correct, they failed to protect the vulnerable. Nobody is arguing with that.

You’re arguing it since day one by saying they were right not to.

You are arguing with it. You said it was the British press deflecting five minutes ago.

You’re either lying or a simpleton (I vote for the latter).
I said from early on (January in fact, go back and check) that the focus should have been on protecting the elderly and other vulnerable. Literally every western country failed that test, 90% of the deaths have been aged 70 and older.

The English press constantly harping on about Sweden’s failures is a deflection given the state of their own shithole country. I am not arguing with what the King of Sweden said, I agree they failed their elderly population, as did Ireland, as did most countries.

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Yet you’ve argued every single attempt to protect them in absence of a vaccine. Every single one.

It’s nothing to do with the English press. I could post up a hundred and one articles from non English press reporting what the Swedish king said.

More lies. The only thing I have argued against is draconian lockdowns or stay at home orders. It is my opinion and the opinion of many others that the damage caused by lockdowns is worse than the benefit (time will tell). I am fully supportive of measures such as social distancing, mask wearing in shops, cancelling big events, etc.

The #1 measure that would have saved lives would have been a hard lockdown of nursing homes, I supported that so less of your revisionist bullshit.

Yes they are two separate issues, agreed.

You’ve described what happened but not why it happened. Pretty much the same sequence happened in every western democracy, with a few exceptions. One of the main reasons hard lockdowns don’t work is the fatigue factor, and in this case the cohort who got most fatigued and quickest were teenagers and young adults, who figured out by summer this was a not a serious disease for them. The battle was lost then, if it even could be won.

Western governments have no ability to control their populations to the degree they attempted, that much should be clear from this second wave. Even the Germans are failing.

The commie/socialists love a good lockdown.

They have to live with the collective guilt of lockdowns, and the carnage they have caused in terms of mental health and impact on long term longevity. The economic impact of the western world shutting down hasn’t been seen yet, it’s hidden by debt. But it will rear it’s head and will have consequences, and I fear they will not be good.

Doesn’t matter to most of them. They either work from home for a US multinational (oh the irony) and love it, or are on welfare and it seems normal to them. Bunch of the cunts on here today, bragging about working 3 hour days. How long do you think that will last? After we get back to “normal”, companies will be firing left right and center to recoup losses. It will be carnage for a few years. All thanks to lockdowns that made snowflakes feel good about themselves.

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But lockdowns do work for what they are there to do. They are there to reduce cases. They evidence is cut and dried that they work. You then have a choice - go far enough with the lockdown that it effectively eliminates the virus, or put some other long term strategy in place like the Asian countries have done.

Europe in general and the “west” in general has had neither. It has listened too much to business lobbies and “libertarian” crazies. It said to itself “this is too hard”, and it ends up in a situation which is much harder. That has destroyed any chance of implementing any long term, sustainable strategy.

In New Zealand and Victoria, they did not listen to business lobbies, they faced down right wing media. Government acted as government should act. It explained to people that it would be a slog but that the rewards would be there at the end. And they were, they have opened up for real.

So we are left with making the best of a bad situation and again within that there are variations. Actual official messaging is a huge part of effective defence against the virus. You see this difference between the Republic and the North. While the Republic has been very far from perfect in its messaging, it has still been far better than the North or England, - it does not have the DUP or the Tories - and the fact there is at least a reasonably good deal of trust in its decision makers is a big help.

Contrast that to the US. Contrast that to England. In these places, there is a massive nihilistic far right “libertarian” lobby who deliberately spread distrust in science, fact and reason in their eternal search for a divided, atomised society run for the rich and nobody else - and through sick strategies they have honed for decades, have successfully made such a tribal identifier which much of the population buys into. The Koch Brothers funded “Great Barrington Declaration”, part of a rich tapestry of ludicrous far right think tank funded fake “declarations” like those which denied smoking caused cancer and that man made climate change is real, is one of the most damaging manifestations of this.

You cannot mount an effective defence against the virus with these people running rampage. These people, if there are any justice, will rot in hell, because they, more than anybody, are responsible for the destruction of their societies. The destruction of their societies is what they desire.

Sweden now recommends face masks on public transport. After nine months. But not in shopping malls or other crowded situations. What has led them to this decision? Has the science changed? Or was the science always the same? They have some fucking explaining to do there.

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Advice on masks has changed quite a bit as the pandemic unfolded