NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Sweden is about six months behind the rest of the world. And it’s still behind. Sweden now recommends masks, but only on public transport, and only some of the time. Mr. Virus is a peak hours train traveller, but does not shop. Perhaps the Swedes also believe Mr. Virus also circumnavigates the globe, but only in countries which drive on the left. On Mondays and Fridays.

The English press do love a foreign bad news story though. They absaalootely larve it.

I tought the Brits only had 3 tiers

Great to see sid back posting, it’s just the lift the forum needs


Is McConkey working for John Bull. London gone to tier four of the three tier system


9pm to 6am curfew coming in with the army policing the streets of London

Panic on the streets

John Bull was laughing at Paddy yesterday. He’s not laughing now

Ye won’t be laughing Sunday night when 1000 cases are announced and ye immediately go into level 5, Holohan will sort out paddy, sort him out something good and proper

Tier 4 is some U turn even for Boris

It’s going to be a fucking savage imposition on people’s freedom

The brits need to get fucked out on their ear out of europe, the covid ridden cunts. Boris up in a few minutes

This U turn will be more entertaining than Dublin/Mayo

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The whole Brexit and covid affairs have not just exposed Boris but have actually exposed the English as the thickest race on the planet. I’ll give the Scots and the Welsh a bit of grace as its Christmas


NERVTAG are on the case, everything will be ok, they are world leading according to Boris

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They developed a vaccine. But they didnt realise that the leaders of the team were Irish

Boris has just cancelled Christmas

tenor (27)

England going into Tier 4 of a three Tier system

Get in there, some proper restrictions coming in here, draconian shit