NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Johnson Johnson Johnson

Straight into level 4, no fucking messing, this is proper decision making

So the high death rates (higher than the UK and the US) in Italy, Spain, and Belgium are due to business lobbies and libertarians? You are still as insane as you were before you got banned. Yes, lockdowns helped curtail the spread early on but you fail to accept the reality that lockdowns cannot work long term as people will not accept them, and that’s not even addressing the other problems they cause.

The cohort driving this second wave are young people, teenagers and young adults, and it has nothing to do with their political persuasion, it has to do with the fact that this disease does not impact them. How many young people do you know that have had Covid, I know dozens and not one of them had anything worse than a mild cold. They simply don’t give a shit about getting Covid. If you want a target to attack, attack them.

This is a highly infectious virus, with an R0 of at least 3 (the strains currently circulating are probably 5-6). The evidence is it cannot be stopped in western countries. In relatively free societies like we have in the west, you cannot implement the strategies that were implemented in Asia. What you are recommending is a totalitarian approach, which is of course what you ilk desire.

Comparisons to NZ are just nonsensical, it’s a fucking island thousands of miles from anywhere else. If you want a sensible analysis, look at Germany which did did well in the first wave, and now has one of the highest death figures per day in Europe. Where have they gone wrong?


Chris Whittey is the only real stateman on the stage here

Laura going straight for the jugular

Boris on Wednesday, ‘it would be inhuman to cancel Christmas’
Boris on Saturday ‘Christmas is cancelled’

Great leadership from Boris here, “when the facts change, the plan change”

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When the fun stops. Stop

Boris the first tan to cancel Christmas since Oliver Cromwell

English exceptionalism has led them to developing their own super variant of the Covid bug.

This will be an extra lonely Christmas for fellas living in bedsits all over London. My heart, and Boris’s too, goes out to them

Sir Kier has fairly eviscerated Boris just there now

3 days ago Boris was telling the people to have themselves a merry little Christmas’
He’s not saying that anymore

This is a fucking savage imposition. I’ll have some job getting to Stanstead on Wednesday.


This will be a Christmas like no other

Wales going into lockdown tonight at midnight this is fucking savage lads. Some excitement! @mickee321 this is like 10 2004 Munster hurling finals rolled into one I love the way its changing every hour

Arlene Foster needs to bring the Northern Ireland lockdown forward to 12 midnight tonight

Your talking to a far lefty. What else would he recommend?

Amazing how all the superb articles are written by the people who agree entirely with the posters viewpoint, uncanny really,


Have you read it? What’s your own opinion on their conclusions?