NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

The Welch are thicker and weirder than the English, which is some going.

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It really is!

Superb point

It isn’t, it’s a lame cliché like himself.

You missed the joke

He doesn’t get it

Explain how Ireland’s latest lockdown has worked, so? We’ve been in this situation for not far off a year, and yet lockdowns keep working! They aren’t even full lockdowns - what we had from October to the start of this month was quite tolerable. Of course people get frustrated, but that’s built in. People don’t behave in a perfect manner - but lockdowns are designed to account for that, they’re designed to put rules and recommendations in place so that the majority will act in a way which brings the number of cases down.

Spain opened up due to the tourist lobby, Madrid and Barcelona have incredibly high densities of people. In the absence of a long term strategy - and it seems to me you need a long term strategy - not endless lockdown - the alternative to lockdown the becomes carnage.

That’s the reality and it’s one you welcome because you have zero empathy. This winter is still in its early days and I don’t fancy ambulances being backed up outside every hospital in the country. Do you?

Another fraud about “libertarian” economics is that there isn’t a magic money tree. There is. Not when taxes are cut - but when the printing press starts rolling. That there isn’t such a thing as a magic money tree is one of the greatest fucking frauds ever perpetrated on public messaging.

Thanks for the personal abuse.

The long term strategy should be a focus on healthy lifestyles, strengthening immune systems, and more funding for science. There is no correlation between the stringency of lockdowns and the death rate from Covid. If you have evidence that lockdowns save lives then post it up and we can discuss. My opposition to lockdowns is based on empathy, empathy for the millions who have lost their jobs, empathy for the millions who’s lives will be shortened (cancer screenings are at 10-50% of normal in most of Europe), empathy for the millions of kids being denied a proper education, etc. It is one of the greatest blunders imo in modern human history, second only to the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century (which you would love to return to, as long as they are left wing inspired of course).

In terms of personal abuse you are the only poster on here who has actually attempted to harm other posters in real life, so less of your whining.

This journal says the lockdown measures in Italy prevented a substantial amount of hospitalizations

What in God’s name are you on about? In all of your post? Why have Ireland’s lockdowns continually worked in reducing cases?

In the absence of a long term strategy, without lockdowns, this country would be absolutely screwed and everybody in this country knows it. You call this “totalitarian”. Like, what the absolute fuck?! Are you Gemma O’Doherty?! That’s laugh out loud idiocy.

Mental health is another vacuous canard of the loony “libertarians”. The right-wing head the balls who are now cynically talking about mental health do not give one shite about mental health. The biggest driver of mental health problems is low pay, high cost of housing, long commutes, low disposable time, the hamster on a wheel phenomenon. The crackpot right-wing “libertarian” ideology is the biggest driver of all of this. The cyncism with which these cunts have leaped on the mental health bandwagon is sickening.

The best way to destroy the mental health of lot more people now would be to let the virus rip through the country, overwhelm the health service and have a lot more people dying.

“Healthy lifestyles” is not a strategy. This is a pandemic, for God’s sake. And your solution is to eat more tomatoes. :laughing:

I can only presume you’re a troll poster because your arguments are transparently ludicrous.

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This seems familiar :thinking:


Great to see Sid posting again


No confirmation bias there :joy:

Italy had one of the highest death rates in the first wave and again has one of the highest death rates in the second wave. This fact supports the conclusions of the paper I posted above (did you read it?), and confirms that lockdowns do not save lives.

One can only wonder how long before a Twitter meltdown.

You better call the feds

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The trains out of London are jam packed tonight as people flee to get home for Christmas.

Lockdown can work once or twice, see the Czech Republic doing it early. But as a related strategy, it’s those who don’t write the cheques who are proponents.

At this stage with a vaccine on the way, our approach should change so I’m more sanguine about another lockdown but we were lost at sea a few months ago, strategy wise.

I didn’t even mention mental health, strange comment from you. The impact on mental health will not be known for some time, but what we absolutely do know is that millions of people will have their lives shortened by deferred cancer screenings, etc. It’s an uncomfortable question for people to countenance, but the reality is we are sacrificing years of life for far more people than the years of life we are saving. That’s coming from most of the medical professionals I have spoken to, people who’s own lives are devoted to saving lives and improving quality of life.

Ireland has the benefit of being a sparsely populated island, not as much as NZ, but has tremendous advantages.

Your opinions are based on emotions, you need to calm down and think rationally. The focus from early on should have been on the subset of people who are vulnerable to serious disease from Covid, destroying the lives of a sizable subset of healthier people is not warranted imo. Especially as the extreme measures taken have not saved any lives, but will cost millions of lives.