NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I’m logging out as suddenly I don’t feel save on the forum anymore.


Italy started implementing regional lockdowns again at the start of November.

Surprise surprise, cases started going down.

You did. And all of it cynical, bad faith bollocks.

Good to see you haven’t lost your quote mining skills.

Anyway I have wasted enough time on you for today, have a good night Sid.

Great to have Sidney back :+1:

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Another basic point that seems lost on you is the less Covid that is around, the better the health outcomes for people suffering from non-Covid conditions. The more Covid that is around, the worse the health outcomes for people with non-Covid conditions.

This is self-evident. I don’t expect any credit for pointing it out.

We need to stop flights from Britain - asap

cc @Tassotti

Any news on this @Batigol?

No. It won’t happen here

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I didn’t think so

Well we’ve been told nothing about it. At most I’d imagine it could be an additional form to fill out.

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Eamonn eamonn eamonn

Sweden have had a handy time of it

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As I said that’ll happen for sure.

I can’t see them banning flights. I’d imagine an extra unpoliced period of self-isolation will be on the cards

What’s the story on travel restrictions from UK, mate?

I actually dug out the work phone there. No email on the matter yet

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Why is mainstream media better informed than yourself?

I’m livid here mate. The one (and only) area I could have an inside track on and I’m made a fool of on the INTERNET