NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

As per Scotland.
School is out

Level 5


That cunt must lurk on here

60,916 cases
813 deaths

unbelievable figures today on the mainland

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Map of excess mortality levels in 23 countries in Europe this year, using standard deviation “Z” scores. Sweden is on the lower end of the scale.

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Yes, but according to the “experts” on here Sweden should have done better because they took a different approach (they didn’t have lockdowns)… or something, something. Mental gymnastics from mental midgets.

The lads are also forgetting the ENORMOUS costs of a lockdown

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They won’t even consider the most basic question. Human societies have dealt with pandemics for all of recorded history, including several flu pandemics in the past century. Where did the idea come from that months long lockdowns, where the whole healthy population (except for essential workers) are required to quarantine (except to go to crowded shops), would end the pandemic?

The answer of course is the idea came from China’s great success in February, which was complete bullshit as we know now the death rate in Wuhan was at least 10X the reported number, and once China figured out the disease mostly killed old people they just stopped reporting Covid deaths.


Interesting one to consider from your point in human societies. Boil it right back: stay in the cave and all starve or the healthy bring home the hunt and hope the auld lad makes the morning.

Our advancement is remarkable…


It is, and it’s because of our remarkable creativity and ingenuity. Someone commented the other day on Africa and their low Covid deaths, the whole of Africa has only 69k reported Covid deaths from a population of 1.2 billion. Leaving aside low levels of testing, the big difference is life expectancy, which averages 82 years in Europe but only 63 in Africa. The age cohort of people who are most susceptible to serious disease and death from Covid just isn’t there, nor the incidence of comorbidities, deaths from heart disease are roughly 10% in Africa versus 25% in the US and Europe.


The same China that wont let the WHO in to investigate? That censored medics who spoke up about the virus? Who commit genocide against Muslims? Following them on anything is a fool’s errand. To even consider their figures on this remotely accurate is laughable.

A lockdown MAY limit the amount of virus spreading between people and, in turn, prevent people becoming sick and dying from it. But the social, ecomonic and non-virus health costs are enormous (I also think lockdowns are fundamentally wrong in a western society but that’s a seperate issue).


Cambodia, which has a very young population because of Communism, hasnt had a single COVID death.

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Nope, it’s Sweden themselves that think that. Unlike you, they don’t think they’re “done with Covid”. Lads on here posting graphs and stats as if the Swedish themselves aren’t aware of the numbers. They have come to the realisation that their approach hasn’t worked and are changing tact. It’s that straight forward, your unwillingness to accept it is bizarre.

@RaymondCrotty can you give us a feel for the situation on the ground in Cambodia, followed by your trademark appeal for donations?


Who’s that binder?

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