NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Sweden have not had any lockdowns Michael, so all we can do is look at their numbers that they themselves report. According to the “experts” back in April 2020 that you support like a lapdog, Sweden would have 100k deaths by the end of summer if they didn’t impose a lockdown. By the end of summer they had had 5k deaths, were down to very low daily case numbers and essentially zero deaths, coincidentally the same as countries that had lockdowns.

That was the context of the “done with Covid” remark at the end of summer that yourself and others are obsessed with who desperately want more Swedish deaths to win an argument. Done with the first wave of Covid but with 5k deaths instead of the 100k deaths you predicted. That’s what really bothers you, that they didn’t have the 100k deaths you demanded.

So where are Sweden now Michael? They have had a second wave that started in October like all other European countries, but their deaths (which lag infections by 3-4 weeks) have been dropping since mid December and are now back down to a 7 day average of 10 per day.

Does Sweden sound to you like a country that is going to impose an Irish style lockdown? I’m not arguing whether they should consider it or have considered it, I’m asking if you think they will based on their numbers. I don’t think they will.

The reality Michael, much as you wish it were not so, is Sweden’s numbers are declining and have been since mid December while countries like Ireland, the UK and the rest of western Europe have imposed draconian lockdowns due to a continuing surge of cases. So why is it that (1) Sweden did not have the 100k deaths you predicted, (2) that their numbers dropped to essentially zero in summer like everywhere else, and most importantly (3) why have their numbers dropped again while other countries are in full scale panic?

Try and answer intelligently. I’ll give you a day, I think that’s fair.


I made no predictions about Sweden. You did and got it wrong.

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That’s an F Michael, as in fail. You’ve just used up a few minutes of your time needlessly, but you still have 23 hours 55 minutes to try and provide intelligent answers to my 3 questions.

My comment in late Summer wasn’t a prediction, it was statement of fact at the time, done with the first wave of Covid without the carnage you and others predicted. I actually made no predictions, other than saying from March onwards Sweden’s approach was reasonable and worthy of consideration.

More intelligent people than you got it wrong too. Don’t beat yourself up.

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So no answers?

You have questions, that’s progress I suppose.

Big drop in cases 52,618
Deaths Up 1,162

How are Jonathan bulls deaths so much higher per capita than ours at the moment. They seem to have around 100 times more deaths every day?

It’s the vaccine is killing all them

Almost half the cases in the world are un the uk or US, 25% of uk infections occurred ‘in hospital’. It sounds like it would be damn hard to die without the coronavirus

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432 people per sq km (England) compared to 72 likely the biggest factor.


This is what the LITDF lads have asked for. A world where police can brutalise a family because they might have people in their house. Protecting public health.


Looks like people being deliberately awkward hoping to spark an incident.


They were awkward alright but police reaction looks OTT and police suggestion that they were entitled to break door down to gain entry is a bit suspect.

I’m not a civil liberties nut but but the power to force entry to a person’s home is one that should be exercised with a lot of restraint and only to prevent serious wrong doing. Not to investigate a technical breach of a makey uppy public health violation and in so investigating that flooding the house with people and breaking the social distancing the regulation was designed to achieve.



He looked the part anyways

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It happening in the height of an Aussie summer is peculiar. Knowing Brisbane well and just how hot/humid it is this time of year, you’d wonder does air conditioning have some role to play? Every place from home to shops to schools have air con running morning noon and night.

If heat hasn’t eradicated it as thought, perhaps its HVAC/Aircon having a role in giving it temperatures to survive in and then circulate?

McConkey, hit me up homie.