NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

What’s Swedens?

You got to admire his enterprising spirit.

Its almost as if there’s a fraud pandemic going around

London has declared a Major Incident. The hospitals are overwhelmed

Wtf? :smile:

“ we know now “
“ disease mostly killed old people “

Do they not have a huge hospital sitting empty? The Nightingale?

I think I saw it reported that 1 in 30 people in London have it now. They will have herd immunity in no time.

a fraud pandemic.

They have the nightingale hospitals but the problem is with staff

Its 25.

So for example if you were to create a crude equation to include populations density against death ratio(per million) in the population the UK would score a 2.6 whilst Sweden would score 37.2.
Using that metric, death cases in Sweden are 14 times more severe than in the UK.

Caveat being as the old saying goes if you torture numbers enough they will tell you whatever you want and Ireland would score a 6.4

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As you say there are many variables but population density would be an important factor to take account of. Sweden like their nordic neightbours had obvious geographic and population density advantages that the likes of Belgium wouldn’t have enjoyed.

It is interesting that @Tierneevin1979 used population density to compare Ireland and England but is happy to ignore it when disccussing Sweden, choosing to compare them with more densely populated countries, an obvious apple and orange comparison so common amongst our mental friends.


Can’t they just train up a few idle teachers?

Great news.

How many asymptomatic staff are absent due to a bollox of a test?

87% of Swedes live in cities or the surrounding areas and 90% plus of the country is more or less uninhabited so the average population density is a fairly pointless metric. Stockholm has a population density of over 4,000 people per square km, but we’ve been over this many many many many times before


It’s like lads forget anything that does not support their narrative.

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Is the vast amount of Sweden’s population not condensed in the south of the country?

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Yep just another variable, same outcome.

Someone asked about the UK versus Ireland, so I answered. I’m good that way, I try and contribute as best I can. Any chance you could answer the three questions I posed to you regarding Sweden 24 hours ago? Are they too hard to think about or you just have no opinion?

Southern Sweden is fairly densely populated, and 87% of the population of Sweden live in cities which represent 1.5% of the land mass. Population density is only one factor, it may or may not be the biggest one. The biggest factor in comparing places is probably the percentage of the population that is in the vulnerable category, and where they live (numbers in nursing homes, numbers in cities, etc).

Most of Europe has about 20% over 65 including Sweden, Ireland has 14%, The difference in raw numbers is 2M for Sweden and 0.8M for Ireland, a ratio of X2.5. The number of deaths in Sweden is roughly X2.5 that of Ireland. This is probably not a coincidence Michael.


@mikehunt, here are the three questions again, in case you can’t find them. Do you need another day, I’m happy to extend the deadline.

And over half of the live alone