NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

68,053 new Covid cases.
1,325 new fatalities.
Both new highs

Don’t forget vitamin d.
The swedish government are hardly giving out free tablets for the good of their health

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The UK clearly needs a lockdown.

Madness. Why didn’t they do one?

They should have cancelled Christmas.

A simple statement from Boris was all it would have taken, something like “it’s with a heavy heart I must tell you that we cannot proceed with Christmas as planned”.

why didn’t he do that?

if people had wore masks the last 7 months this would not have happened


A lockdown in London and the UK generally is required. Lockdowns work and would have prevented all of this

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Probably too tight to change the HEPA filters

Political reasons. They didn’t want to take away the Christmas they had promised the public, so they eventually had to invent a new strain to save face.

I’m sure most countries’ populations are situated in cities but it wasn’t me who brought population density in to the discussion.

Yes bit density is a skewed star reality. Huge proportion of Sweden’s population is consigned to a relatively small area of the country.

Any chance you could answer the questions I posed?

Yes there are many variables as to why one country would have more deaths/cases. In Sweden, would it be possible that they all head from the cities up to the more sparsely populated north during holidays leading to low numbers during the summer? May explain why some were duped in to wrongly believing Sweden were doing well. Again, I’m not an expert so wouldn’t pretend to be knowledgeable and make outlandish predictions or I’d end up looking very foolish like @Tierneevin1979 when he said they were done with covid.

Any chance you could answer the questions I posed? I realize they are difficult but at least give it a shot. Here I’ll make it even simpler for you, just answer one.

Why is it that Sweden is seeing it’s case numbers and deaths decline since the middle of December when Covid is absolutely out of control in most of Europe?

Very much different to Ireland. Very few cases still with 384 in total since March 2020 and no deaths! New arrivals to Cambodia have to quarantine in government facilities for two weeks upon arrival.

International tourism is down 98%. Tourism is 32% of GDP nationally and would be over 50% here in Siem Reap. Many are now unemployed and there is no social welfare system. The government introduced system where those working in tourism who are now unemployed would get $38 a month but that has now ceased. More visible signs of poverty and malnutrition is on the rise.

Ministry here closed schools for over half the year last year and dropout rates for children have increased. Lots of charities here won’t survive as it gets harder to attract funds from international donors who are in trouble themselves or want to fund charities in their home countries.

The Angkor Wat temples are empty at the moment which makes for a far more enjoyable exercise route. Have got myself a six month pass for it.


No mate. Giving an injection into flabby skin is completely beyond them. Fall in.

He has heavy everything bar moral compass the fat cunt.


You could be making an absolute mockery of @Mac’s trail running communication mast photos here.