NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

A Celtic player has tested positive for Covid.

World. Gone. Mad.


Rules are rules.

Aye. They should be in jail

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There hasn’t been too many stories like that here thank god. Or the one in Scotland where police forced their way into a home where a special needs child was been cared for. I think the guards for most part deserve credit in deploying common sense and guaging the public mood.

Aresnal and Man City womens players went to UAE and tested positive on their return, yet the numbers in UAE are very low. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: some savage bad luck

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Right job. Everyone thinks they are an exception.


Sweden aren’t seeing their cases and deaths decline. They’re seeing record numbers of both

277 on the 7th

Things aren’t good there

Legislation was passed to allow lockdowns.

This isnt a lockdown vs not, before you spazz out.

Things aren’t good anywhere.
277 deaths reported on the 7th it looks like, it also looks no deaths reported from December 30 to mid last week. I don’t know how Sweden report their deaths, how much is catch up, etc. All I am going off are the JHU charts, which may not be updated yet for last week’s data.
Anyway I take your word for it, things are deteriorating again in Sweden after looking like they were improving.

Sweden’s lockdown is kicking in tomorrow

No the law allowing them to close stuff comes into force tomorrow. As far as a I know (open to correction) they are not, as yet, locking down

It came in to effect today as far as I know

Could be, the article I read may be a day old now.

Passed friday, came into effect today, signs on they’ll use it tomorrow. The health service in Stockholm is under immense pressure

Whatever they do I hope it works

I was chatting to a Swedish resident last night and he mentioned it was coming in on the 10th. Which is today not tomorrow as I said earlier. Might be like ours where nobody knows what day midnight on Sunday is

Thank fuck. Celtic needed something positive.



They’ll try lockdown asap according to the PM

My reading of that is that they will legally limit the number of people in shops, restaurants etc and close those not complying.