NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Restrict includes closing. They’ll go the model employed everywhere of closing when community spread out of control and then incremental opening

I don’t think it’ll make much difference (I don’t see a huge difference in where we are now and where Sweden are and we’re 3 lockdowns in) but I’d imagine they are under pressure to conform from their own population, particularly if things are getting worse there

It makes sense for everybody to lock down now with vaccine here. The lock down will be only for a matter of weeks. That can be worked around for everybody. It’s the rolling lock downs with no fixed ending caused the issues.

I’ll pull the plug here on this or we’ll just end up arguing again

God forbid

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Is Sweden a country or a Kingdom :grinning:

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You’re going in the book

A friend of mine who’s running a job out in Western Australia said that half of their workers have now been put into two weeks quarantine because they visited Queensland over Christmas. This is over a single case in a hotel in Brisbane.

I blame her parents


Intensive care wards are full, ambulances queue for hours outside and oxygen supplies have run low as hospitals in southern California cope with a huge rise in coronavirus infections that is being compared to the crisis faced in New York City last spring.

The state’s death toll passed 30,000 yesterday, Johns Hopkins University said, after a weekend in which California recorded nearly 50, 000 new cases in a single day.

Officials said that intensive care units in southern California had no spare capacity. In Los Angeles County some hospitals have erected tents and requisitioned gymnasiums to serve as overflow wards. Non-essential surgery has been postponed and in another echo of the crisis in New York, ambulance crews in LA County have been told not to transport patients with little chance of survival — a directive targeted at patients suffering cardiac arrest who cannot be revived by paramedics.

For months California was seen as an example of how the curve of rising cases might be flattened with swift action. The state was the first to issue stay-at-home orders and while New York recorded more than 18,679 deaths between February and the beginning of June, the far more populous state of California took more than six months to record 10,000 deaths. Cases and deaths began to climb in the autumn, rises blamed on a growing complacency and on gatherings for Thanksgiving, and the death toll has now increased by 10,000 in a single month.

A doctor at an LA County hospital said that the emergency room was functioning as “an open-air ICU”. Oxygen supplies were said to be running low and staff were having to debate whether or not to place certain patients on one of the remaining ventilators, he told the Los Angeles Times.

I though California has been under a stay at home order since March or did they lift it a some point? Or was that just San Francisco?

You’ve been watching too much foxnews mate.

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It varies by county but almost all the state under stay at home since mid December. There was some easing in summer and fall but bars for example never opened.

I have in laws in San Francisco and they have all been working from home since March. Maybe that’s just them.

The restrictions here are absolute madness. Closing outdoor activities like beaches, parks and playgrounds, where there is no evidence of spread. Forcing people to stay indoors which is where most of the spread occurs. In a state with some of the best weather in the world, year round. Instead of encouraging people to spend time outdoors, get sun exposure and exercise.

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The governor can go out for a meal if he wants though

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The world went to shit after they shot Harmbe

I’m having the jab on Thursday as partner of a front line worker. Herself had the second one yesterday.
Still didn’t make her horny.


John Bull is flying through it