NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Lockdowns are here forever

Are schools open in Germany?

Some interesting charts from this lad


Lockdowns will be a distant memory by this time next year lads

John Bull John Bull John Bull


Anyone who voted against Brexit should be refused a vaccine

Look at those pale green danish fuckers and they only got the same amount as us :rage:

You’re one of a very select coterie of posters who when you put up a link to a covid story I don’t know already whether it will be pro or anti lockdown.


That’s alright, neither does he

He’s almost like a normal bloke that you’d meet out on the road, the edge lords have it all their own way here, it’s not worth trying to be reasonable or open minded

If you deviate slightly from their very hardcore opinions or stances you’re woke or a fanny or LIDTF or whatever

When challenged they’ll usually resort to arguing points you haven’t made and putting words in your mouth.

Fully grown children, basically

You mean our?

What is my hardcore opinion that bothers you?

Lads are unravelling again.

Hold on boys

Bothers me ? :rofl: defo not.

I especially enjoy when they post up ‘excellent’ articles from obscure publications written by people who they ‘wouldn’t necessarily agree with on everything’ but really ‘hit the nail on the head here’

You’d be an awful moron then if you couldn’t be bothered to read said 10 thousand words of shite


It depends on my mood. I’m easily led.

Fellas are cracking here

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