NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

You’ve cracked more times than Humpty Dumpty.

That’s a hell of a Google search

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giphy (3)

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I’m the same. I believe everyone

I never crack mate

3 metre rule to be introduced on the mainland

Scotland have banned takeaway pints

Record covid deaths in the US yesterday, 4,327

Things still going the wrong way in the UK in terms of deaths but lockdown is taking affect as cases start to fall

Hmmm. I’ve done some analysis on that and the findings are hard to dispute.


You’re much safer in a pub than at home, the old lads were right.

Twas always the way. They’d be bate by the wife when they got home.

proper enforcement in London

Can they put another great in the name? Great great Britain?

sixty people died in Ireland yesterday, 3 weeks after Donnelly left a load of vaccines in a fridge for 4 days because people were on holidays, he should be in the Hague for war crimes, it is not even been mentioned in the media

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A second pallet arrived the other day. He didn’t make the photo

No foreign muck

I was just WhatsApped by a pal who said John bull is reopening the pubs at the end of February. Not sure if he’s taking the piss though.