NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Congratulations to Boris and all UK citizens in hitting their 15million jabs target a day in advance, outstanding, inspirational stuff :clap: :clap: :uk:


Nepal is literally shitting on boris’s parade


Can the lockdown fetishists square this circle?


They’ll just cover their eyes and ears, or turn their back on THE INTERNET

Sounds like some filla skupped a few tists and ruddled half of Auckland.

I see Cuomo is coming out fighting re the nursing home "scandal " in NY

You’re dead to me

I certainly will be if Paddy doesn’t get a move on like good old Boris

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*A check-in from the Stockholm Correspondent *

U-Turn made on the one month old ‘restaurants closing at 8pm rule’ and back to 10pm. Numbers falling allegedly.

We (5) were sitting in a cafe this evening and were told after an hour that the maximum allowed at a table was 4 people. We were ready to roll anyway.

On the dating apps, people seem willing to swap unvaccinated saliva.

No idea if their approach is good or bad, it’s out of my control but I’m grateful for the freedom, the expats here almost all are. I think the fact that so many in this country live alone is what helps. Houseshares/Roommate situations are not really a thing here. Swedes are too private to share their space with somebody that isn’t family or a significant other.



Are the bodies just being thrun in the fjords, as I presume there must be 100s of thousands of deaths due to no lockdown for 10 months of the worst pandemic in living history? That’s what ‘the science’ assured us would happen with no lockdowns

They’re actually minced for the purpose of making meatballs and should be available for an acceptable sum at IKEA Ballymun in the Spring.

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Strangely enough rte/bbc/nazi news etc are giving very little coverage to protests in spain, italy, holland etc

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Disgraceful. Shocking. Abhorrent.

They need to be beaten down.

A riot about the arrest of a rapper?

some more new cases found in New Zealand. They entered a snap 3 day lockdown and are now considering extending it.

April is coming

Are NZ vaccinating?

Oh Kristi!!

Jacinda’s got this. Remember she is the greatest example of a prime minister that has ever existed and if more countries had women like her at the helm then the world would be a better place #thefemalelead

I totally understand why SLH think zero covid won’t work here due to differences with nz or Perth etc. But I don’t get why ye think when they find a couple of cases and then lockdown again its something to laugh at them or an example of it going wrong? That’s what’s meant to happen. Perth found one case, locked down fully for a week or so and then reopened fully with life back to normal.