NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Yeah, you’re right providing the entire planet agrees to do it and even then it wouldn’t work.

It works lovely for them at the moment though.

That’s grand, but you do realise new Zealand is somewhere else entirely?

Zero covid looks like a real possibility here

It’s not doing as well as Norway, which according to that study, has seen Covid 19 reduce the number of deaths :clap:

'tis a very benevolent oul yoke of a virus when it takes the notion. Full of surprises

“Lads on here” won’t let you mention Sweden without invoking Norway.

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cc @peddlerscross

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Whats the Irish figure?

From 2019?

For 2020. We are not on that fancy graph showing excess mortality. . Or do I need to get my eyes tested?

EP is gonna be off the hook

Going by these figures we are around 1k higher off a base of circa 30k so around 3% higher.

So we’d be at the lower end of the chart posted earlier, similar to Estonia/Finland.

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Looks like I’ll be going to Gerry Cinnamon in Hamden Park in July so.

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Be interesting to see if sinn fein go with this or an all Ireland approach

A real country with real leadership

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The best of both worlds. Open up in the North and get the kudos and decry the lack of an All Island approach.

Summer in Belfast