NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Why can’t they visit and stay 2 metres away in the garden?

Good post, that’s the difference between old and younger patients I think. The old and immune compromised can’t fight off the virus and develop pneumonia. The younger patients have an overactive immune system which is flooding their lungs from cytokine storm reaction. Different treatment options needed for the groups.

Cuomo in his press conference basically saying medical supply companies are profiteering like fuck, hospitals competing with hospitals within states and states competing with states on a national level.

Here’s a screenshot from a pal fwiw

Don’t like screenshots really, but it may help.

Yeah they that did, just onto to them now, heartbreaking. The kids don’t really understand it. Taking to your grand parents over a wall standing 10 foot away. I never thought it would come to this

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The US is now remorsely chasing down Italy like the New England Patriots did to the Atlanta Falcons in the Superbowl a few years ago.

Gap closed by 7k already today.

They sure seem to know a lot about it, sounds to me like the US planned and released this virus

Saw a video of a train headin for Chicago with it seemed hundreds of the same sort of vehicles. Din’t know what they were till this.



Well that should help avoid a panic

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Fuck Tipp

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Those videos flying around are reminding me of red dawn

Im watching Boris here on sky news. He hasnt a fucking clue

Holy shit

My source says this is bollox.

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It will happen but selectively where it’s needed. National guard are under individual state control, they will be deployed by the governors as they are needed.