NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

This is happening

Cool cars. I want one.

You saying we can’t believe the unnamed stranger who wrote top secret information in some sort of notepad app and shared it on the internet?

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In general you absolutely can. In this specific case, sadly not.

He’s something else lads.

The president is asked when the last time he had contact with Rand Paul, who has tested positive for Covid-19, was. Trump says it was not recently. He is told four senators are now in isolation after coming into contact with Paul. When he finds out that one is Mitt Romney he says, with a hint of a smile: “Gee that’s too bad.” He is asked if he is being sarcastic. “No,” he replies.

Was comical

Is there a clip of that anywhere?


Almost as good as a 2 minute homage to himself for giving up his salary.


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I also didn’t know they were measuring approval ratings on how they’re handling the crisis

He’s the gift that keeps on giving

:joy: it’s stuff like this that drives @Dziekanowski mental

Where’s Fauci? Oh god, did he see the clip of Fauci barely concealing his contemptuous laughter at his nonsense the other day and dump him?
That would be bad.

Out seeing if Hydroxychloroquine is working. Cuomo said today he agrees with Trump and they are going to start horsing it into patients in New York.

This job is costing me billions, what a man.

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CNN will spend the next day talking about Trump’s lack of concern for Romney. Instead of why cunts in congress can’t sign an aid package, because it also helps businesses stay afloat. Easy to know most of these fucks never worked a real job in their life, let all the businesses fail and then sure people will just magically go back to work somewhere.

A very small clinical trial of a combination of plaquinil and azithromycin has shown positive results in France. Of 20 patients 14 were virus free within 6 days. Cutting the infection time by 2 weeks (for serious cases)

Plaquinil on it’s own has less of a success rate but is effective in reducing the impact of the virus and is a safe drug.

For the love of all that’s good in the World. I hope they are successful


China did a clinical trial on quinine also and I’d say have been using it. Sure we have to try anything that’s already in use and is fairly safe. Even if it only helps a bit to lessen the illness, better than people dying.

OMG the beautiful Julia Chatterley on CNN.