NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

And the Costa del Grimsby

Safe to say this wont be happening and that Texas and Mississippi were correct in this measure?

I see DeSantis in Florida has signed an executive order banning vaccine passports. What a brave fighter against tyranny.


He has had an excellent pandemic. Destroyed the lockdown merchants at every step

Seems reasonable

Masks are here to stay

Back to normal: A new paper published today by the Government’s SAGE committee said life will not go back to normal this summer even if the PM’s roadmap goes completely to plan. SAGE sources warned that while vaccines prevent the vast majority of people from falling ill and dying from coronavirus, they ‘are not good enough’ to see all curbs lifted ‘without a big epidemic’. The experts claimed that ‘baseline measures’, including some form of social distancing and masks, would need to remain in place until this time next year. They said they are ‘reasonably confident’ that Covid will be manageable by then.

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Texas Texas Texas


I am a OIUTF supporter but how come Texas are flying it and France are locking down.

France are surrender monkeys and Texas loves freedom.

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I’ve pretty much had it with them. I’ll take one in my pocket should a manager ask me to wear one …no one has so far. Fuckit, it’s hardly much of an act of defiance- but it would be a shame to let this shit show pass without taking some sort of a stand.

30% have had at least one vaccine dose in Texas, 13% in France. The % of the population that are most vulnerable varies a bit by country, but is roughly in the 25 - 30% range. Essentially all the most vulnerable in Texas have had at least one shot, so no reason not to open up.

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But Fauci says its too early for Texas to declare victory. He did cover his ass by saying he had no idea what was going on, but it might be they spend a lot of time outdoors in Texas.

Ohio has been open since January though?

Texas and Florida and many other states have been partially open since last May but fully open now.

Canada on strike

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Meanwhile in Nowhereland

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Stop or The Female Lead brigade will be after you, Jacinda is the best world leader there ever has or ever will be

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Sounds like someone is losing faith in OIUTF aftewr just one day

Gun to head, just out of shot