NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

A bit sad for @Malarkey and @mikehunt that Boris is their hero.

Destroyed. Utterly destroyed.

King Ignoramus now thinks I am a Stickie from Cashel who loves Boris Johnson.


Will never live it down.

‘Are you free for a like, Mr Loon?’ ‘Yes, I am free, Mr Tiery!’

The internet is a serious serious business

FOGO is the new FOMO

Whats boriss angle here? I thought he’d be saying the opposite and the vaccine roll out was seen as the biggest win the tories have had

Great, loads of annoying Irish stuck over there.


Irish people should be locked up over there until they’ve forgotten all their stories about renting a yute or going to a full moon party.

Is that where they ship the nonces off to?

He’s opening the door to another lockdown…

Nothing quite like renting a yute and going to a full moon party. Good times

It’s very simple. Once you hand politicians all kinds of increased powers they don’t just hand them back. Expect to hear every excuse under the sun for the next many years to keep the masses in a constant state of bafflement


It’s amazing that lads don’t see this.

Why would they keep the powers? Why ffs sake

Were there rumours of India being done with Covid?

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You must be delighted.