NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Cases in Cambodia. Upsurge is as a result of two Chinese people bribing their way out of quarantine.

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How are Texas doing?

I couldn’t go for that.

You’d need to be utterly desperate to travel this summer to go through that.

You would definitely want to be flying back into one of the provincial airports at any rate

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While I do laugh at the idiocy of such baseless predictions, they are laughs of derision and disbelief. Despite all the evidence, the refusal amongst people like your good self to accept the reality and seriousness of the virus is staggering.

Texas and Mississippi cases now lower than they have been in a year.

That de santis rogue trolling the lidtf crew again


He’s had an excellent pandemic

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Vaccines work.

Yes they do. Lockdowns dont

You’d want to fly back into Shannon to be met by one of those auld Garda lads at the desk.

“Ah jaysus, i hope you haven’t brought the covid back with you?”

Flying out of Farranfore one morning and I found a can of aerosol in my bag at the baggage check

“Will I just throw that in the bin?”

“Jaze no, that’s good stuff. Run back out there and leave it in the car”


I worked in Shannon airport during summers in college. In the run up to President Bush visiting the Gardaí had to check every vehicle in and out of the airport from three weeks in advance. One day a Garda boarded the bus and walked down the aisle with “are any of ye in the tally-ban or al ki-eeeda or anything like that? No. Alright so.”


I always appreciated the warm welcome home you would get and call you by your name when they check your passport.

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You’d be amazed the weirdos that get faux-offended when you do that.

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…and not a soul ever in customs

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I’d pass through quite a lot and I’ve never seen a sinner in there

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I don’t think there’s too many Aussies keen to travel overseas right now. It’s been business as usual here for the past 8-10 months in the pubs, on the beaches, at the footy. Fingers crossed, we keep doing what we’re doing and continue to live a normal blessed life.