NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

wtf is going on in India?

It’s all a cod


They need to close their pubs


You wouldn’t see this in Salthill


Just for anybody who might be thinking of quoting Jay Bhattacharya in future.

This is the articl Cummings was aluding to. If zero covid was done at the first sign of a pandemic and on an all Ireland basis it would have merit here. This is telling however
'Vietnam has block wardens, village wardens, household registration, and inquisitive locals that intrude on people’s lives. They have a society where people report people.”

The Pandemic Playbook series looks fascinating, UK one up next

The ultimate dream of the sad case lidft merchants here “village wardens”


Hopefully things starting to look very good in UK in terms of vaccine effect with circa 50% done. 14 days on from relaxing restrictions and they have their lowest days numbers since September.


US cases falling too.

I’ve switched off from most of this nonsense in recent weeks.
What is driving the surge in India? Mass gatherings or some new ultra transmissible variant?

According to my work colleague, they went buck ape for the harvest festivals.


They had a meaningful Holi and vaccination rates are low, less than 10%.

Apparently there were anywhere between 100k andn750k marching in London at the weekend with barely a mention on MSM. I haven’t a clue what’s going on in India but I’ve no intention of trusting bbc/rte to tell me…tfk maybe

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US Covid cases are dropping quickly now.

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The Variant lads won’t like that

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Anderson Cooper had Dr Leana Wen on a few nights ago and asked her if people who were fully vaccinated should wear masks outdoors. She answered “nobody should be wearing masks outdoors”. The shock and awe on Anderson’s face was priceless, how dare you go against our narrative.

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