NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Is there any long covid being triggered by the vaccines? The notion was mentioned by our bay area contributor yesterday and it’s been on my mind since

My arm is no longer sore anyway

What concoction had you


@batigol and his sore arm getting the vaccine:

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Nobody knows. It is becoming clear that “long covid” will be the poster boy for the idle though.


Maori Mike will stay out of work for another six months on full pay come hell or high vaccination levels


Essential reading. India is one fucked up place and Hindutva is one fucked up ideology. The cruelty, the hubris, the lying, the suffering, the hyper individualism, the exploitation, the group hatred being whipped up, all are off the scale. 0.34% of GDP is spent on public health. It’s horrific.

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Not a sport but yes

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Covid hates cockiness
Any place that was spouting about well they had dealt with it ended being riddled.

France reopening from 19 May. Night time curfew to be lifted by 30 June.

My favourite Dana quote is in the first season of the Ultimate Fighter reality show he said something along lines of “this isn’t no Survivor where you get to vote your competition off the show. Here, you got to beat them off.”

cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

Western Propaganda

Tis no wander they can’t give it away in Russia

The Trabant of vaccines.

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But Ewan said Ireland is the only country with restrictions?

Israel only fully opened schools on April 18th and they’re miles ahead of us in vaccinations.