NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

You’ve an awful horn for Australia Tim. Must be killing you over there. Don’t mind the clickbait headlines, have you got your vaccine license or whatever it is you need for a pint?

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Are you not in lockdown now yourself? I can have a pint indoors, outdoors or go to the US and live life

Must be nice being on a prison colony where you won’t be able to go for another year, and that depends on the number of your fee low residents being willing to take the vaccine

Focus a bit more on punctuation.

I see Waterford has more cases than Sydney. Some going that, fair play.

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And yet they can get a pint outdoors, or go to a hotel and from the 19th, fly abroad quarantine free.

You will continue to lockdown for the next 6 months if you have more than a handful of cases. Do you still need permission to go back to Ireland?

6 months? Shit, you must know something I don’t?! It’s probably something you’ve become accustomed to at this stage. Enjoy the pints while you can :wink:

And no, like most of the world, I’m in no mad rush to go to Ireland.

Well you must not be very up to date with the news from the penal colony you’ve chosen to live in.

Australian adults will not be fully vaccinated until the end of the year. Australian States have consistently locked down when cases in the community have got into the double digit territory, lower in some cases. Your various State premiers are demanding that travel is restricted for at least another 4 months to stop importation and hence lockdowns.

So yeah, I’d say 6 months is a reasonable guess of how long the threat of lockdowns goes on for you. And as a foreigner living in that land, you will be unable to leave without the threat of not being able to get back. You are relying on a significant number of bogans to get the vaccine do you can have freedoms. And as your fellow poster boy are discovering, the rate of vaccine may be simply unattainable.

What you’ve said is mostly waffle and you seem to be substantiating it with more waffle from the “NZ Herald”.

I’m not sure if you want me to respond seriously to that?

All my mates in Australia are posting anti vax stuff on the bookface. Don’t make me send Tony over @Chucks_Nwoko. Get your house in order

What is waffle?

You won’t be fully vaccinated until the end of the year.

You lockdown if there is a whiff of community spread.

You are cutting returnees by a further 50% for months to come. This is after you became one of the few countries in the world to actively block citizens returning, indeed threatening Australians with jail if they came from India.

In fairness though, it takes a certain type of person to want to live in Oz long term. Someone saying they’re not that bothered about not being able to return to Ireland for 2 years, or in the case of an emergency, is wired differently.

None of them will take the vaccine. They are stuck there forever now, it’s very very sad.

This being Sydney’s first lockdown in probably over a year? I honestly can’t remember. But yeah, “consistent”…sure. Waffle.

Waffle. Simply not true. With our own Gladys leading the charge :ronnyroar:

It’s currently a 2 week lockdown. I would expect that to be extended alright, but it’s very unlikely it will be 6 months. Waffle.

I’m a citizen. Waffle.

Illogical waffle.

Look, Australia has been blessed through COVID thus far as life has been pretty much business as usual. Snap lockdowns, as required, along with border closing has facilitated this. Most Aussies appreciate this is a necessary evil. I can understand your envy, given Ireland’s predicament, but lashing out at Australia seems bizarre.

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Surely the only point of going to Australia is so you can come back to Ireland and rock up at the barbeque in the rain with your sandals, friendship bracelets and full moon party stories.


That’s just an added bonus :slight_smile:

One of the bonuses of covid is all those annoying lads who come home from Australia blowing about how well their doing can’t come home. If we can avoid them for another 6 months we won’t have to listen to them at christmas.

Australia and New Zealand will be locked down for ever.
Most Aussies would be delighted with that as it would mean no more poms, wogs and coconuts coming in.

As Sydney has not had outbreaks, others have.

The facts are you still live under the threat of lockdowns for months to come. That is based on the approach of Australian States thus far.

I never said it would be a 6 month lockdown, learn to read.

Further, the point is right now. Everyone else is coming out of lockdowns and border restrictions. You lot aren’t, and can’t. You seem happy enough to be imprisoned there, fine, says what type of person you are I guess.

Exactly. Border controls are very popular. Xenophobia is par for the course there. Vaccine uptake has been shockingly low and there are many happy enough to live out their days there.

Backtrack #1

Ok, you originally said “Australian States have consistently locked down”.

Backtrack #2

Ok, you said “I’d say 6 months is a reasonable guess of how long the threat of lockdowns goes on for you”.

Are you going to address the other misleading waffle you posted, Tim?

Please come back @Tim_Riggins, I’m not finished with you.

Again, you can’t read.

“Threat of lockdown”

That’s a fact. Australian States have consistently locked down when daily case numbers go beyond a trickle in the community. This is the reason why you are now blocking more citizens getting home.

I know we generally send our biggest failures over there but you seem to take the biscuit.