NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

The 6 month threat of a snap lockdown, as opposed to an actual 6 month lockdown? Ok, give me the threat option.

You’re best placed to speak on failures alright. Now, are you going to address the other misleading waffle you posted, Tim?

What was factually incorrect about what I said.

You got hung up on this statement, as you appear to lack basic reading comprehension.

The simple fact is that the threat of lockdowns remain for Australian States for months to come. That remains in Scott Morrison’s latest plan.

I have already flagged the multiple instances of misleading waffle you have posted. Your failure to address them screams cowardice.

You seem a bit dim, Tim. Yes, the threat remains. I’ve already stated the Australian people acknowledge it is a necessary evil, given how well the pandemic has been managed here to date. We are in our second ‘covid’ winter now and expecting an increase in cases and if a snap lockdown is needed to curb that, so be it. The last thing we want is indecisiveness from the government and a prolonged lockdown that is extended for months on end.

Would you prefer the Australian government followed the irish model of containing the virus? Well, you probably would actually. To pick holes at the Australian government’s covid strategies is laughable, given your own leaders have had the country in lockdown for the best part of a year and still show no signs of actually having a clue what to do.

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You haven’t flagged anything.

You made a multi quote where you claimed I said you would be locked down for 6 months. That wasn’t said, you simply have poor reading comprehension. Again, it makes sense why you could only make it


Australia will not have their vaccine rollout until the end of the year, six months time, that is with just one dose

Australia are getting stricter on borders, denying more of their own citizens entry (a human rights abuse)

Australian States have consistently locked down when there were more than a handful of cases. This will continue with poor vaccination update, the fact that they are reducing the number of arrivals is a deliberate policy to try and reduce the number of lockdowns. But the threat remains; and will not go away until a critical mass of Australians are vaccinated.

Another fact, Australians have been vaccine hesitant.

One third are vaccine hesitant, if that manifests itself in real time, you will keep the border shut and my 6 month statement on the threat of lockdowns will be optimistic.

Meanwhile; another fact, the rest of the Western world is reopening.

Would you like a few ideas for some Zoom quizzes to get you through this lockdown?

Bumped for @Tim_Riggins .

Where was that said?

All I know is that I would not like to be in Australia right now.

For all of the bogus studies on the economy, the real cost is yet to be felt. Australia effectively cutting itself from the world for up to 2 years will have social and economic consequences that won’t be felt for some time to come.

You bumped a post where you made a tit of yourself because you can’t read?

You’ve gone running from the waffle you were dishing out earlier. You should at least have the courage to stand by your convictions.

Bear in mind the seasonal differences as will, Dim.

Better luck next time.

What’s your point? Are you suggesting vaccines don’t work?

When do you think you’ll get back from Australia so?

Are you certain they do?

Back where? I live here. My family are here.

So you’ve no intention of going back to Ireland so, good to know that insular tendencies of Aussies rub off on you.

Given that you don’t see confident in vaccines, are you or the view that the threat of lockdowns will be longer than 6 months so?

Dim Riggins trying desperately to get off the ropes!

Are you?

I’m certain vaccination isn’t 100% effective against Covid.

So you are certain that the threat of lockdown will be longer than 6 months?

I’d be wary of celebrating the vaccine as your one-way ticket out of lockdown. That’s what you’re implying, yes?

You are implying that you would be happy with border restrictions indefinitely, is that correct?

Show me where I implied I would be happy with border restrictions indefinitely.

And while you’re at it, just circle back on this one;


I follow the trials and the real world evidence on vaccines working against hospitalisations and deaths to such a degree that Covid is not an issue when the at risk are vaccinated.

You are the one now bringing up parameters around 0 risk. You are suggesting that vaccines will not be enough, this is not Australian Federal Government policy. Their policy is expressly that vaccines are the way out of this.

It appears now that you don’t believe in Australian policy around this, which is odd given you have been defending it for a time here.

The reality of their policy is though that the threat of lockdowns exists for another 6 months at least. This is because of the slow vaccine rollout. It also relies on a requisite number of Aussies taking it, 66.66% of adults won’t be enough if HI is 85%. It is telling that they did not put a number on it. The one area of Irish life that will still be significantly curtailed after this month is indoor dining, this is a nonsense and testament to weak leadership.

I would still prefer it to Australia right now though. Ireland are stuck on reopening some sectors, but things like the border and the broader economy are reopening. Australia have more fundamental questions to ask themselves.

So I didn’t suggest “I would be happy with border restrictions indefinitely.”? Thank you for clearing that up.

The policy certainly paints a pretty picture and ScoMo is saying and doing the right things. I’m sure the rate of vaccine uptake will increase in the coming months; there have been supply issues here.

Key works bolded. It’s the middle of summer, and you’re emerging from various degrees of lockdown for the past 14 months. I’m sure you have a spring in your step. Enjoy it, you’ve earned it with the bullshit you’ve had to put up with.