NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

You questioned the efficacy of vaccines and asked were we confident that it was the way to beat Covid.

The byproduct of that is indefinite border closures if you want zero risk.

Get that story straight in your head.

I believe vaccines work, you don’t seem to.

Europe and North America are close to vaccinating a critical mass of people. Both continents are willing to tolerate a certain level of Covid and keep things reopening.

Australia are miles from that. And aren’t clear on what % will allow that.

So again, keep your story straight. The past is the past, look ahead. Australia keeping borders closed for another 6-9 months is a cost not borne by other countries, and the economic costs will come down the line for you along with the present social cost of same.

Ok, so I didn’t suggest "I would be happy with border restrictions indefinitely.” as you put forward? It’s hard to see past the mountain of waffle with you, Dimbo.

I wouldn’t be too worried about economic costs either. It’s telling that you’re overlooking the psychological damage that the past 12-14 months has had on the Irish people. How many unlinked suicides? Increased instances of domestic violence? General mental health breakdown? This is something largely avoided in Australia and something I would place greater emphasis on than ‘economic costs’.

To get a good example of that read up some posts from,




Everyone is ignoring that. Lockdowns are barbaric and don’t belong in a democracy

Lockdowns are grand for people that never went on holidays, ate out at a restaurant, had a few pints with friends in a pub or attended gigs or matches.

As per the post above you.

I refuse to do that.

We were fit to get out and stretch the legs anyway this arvo. The climate certainly helps people’s spirits, in general.

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Awkward for the lockdown mob


But, but, but…

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Dint worry they will tell us the facts shortly



Norway 145 deaths per million
Finland 175
Denmark 436
Sweden 1,436

Slow learners.

@mikehunt will be along now to tell us we should only compare Sweden to a select number of countries.

The argument of a halfwit.


Yeah COVID is completely different across the Baltic Sea. You must never compare countries from different sides of it.

Compare Ireland to New Zealand away though.

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This has been discussed numerous times before. It’s an apples and oranges comparison. Sweden’s excess deaths were far higher than its Scandinavian neighbours. Their neighbours mortality rates dropped. Sweden’s increased. Comparing Sweden to the worst performers will always shed them in a good light.

‘Countries in northern Europe have generally experienced much lower mortality rates. Some Nordic nations have experienced almost no excess deaths at all. The exception is Sweden, which imposed some of the continent’s least restrictive social-distancing measures during the first wave.’

Ah lovely.

You need to tell them Sweden isn’t in Scandinavia.

You need to tell the Swedes they aren’t in Europe.