NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I’ve included a link above to an independent report that explains it for those slow on the uptake. It compares by regions for obvious reasons to those that bit quicker on the uptake.

You need to learn that Sweden is in Europe. You don’t seem intelligent to pick up on that point.

You also don’t seem intelligent enough to pick up that you now undermine everything you say about New Zealand’s approach.

You’re not smart enough to make a coherent argument I’m afraid.

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Finland isn’t in Scandinavia either.

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Finland is a Nordic country. I haven’t seen anybody here claim it’s in Scandinavia.

It’s being lumped in. I was clarifying

Obviously it can’t be compared to Sweden in terms of covid deaths as it wouldn’t meet the criteria @mikehunt set out above

It’s a directly comparable country.

I wasn’t involved in the independent report. You may pass your concerns on the actual authors. I’m sure they can explain it better to you than I can.

Why would it if they took completely the wrong course of action?


One thing the Lockdown crew hate is the facts and figures that contradict their argument which is why they hang onto the words of experts who have been proven wrong again, again and again.

The lockdown crew are flat earthers.


Unless being further north offers an inherent advantage you can conclude looking at Europe that the methods employed by Denmark and Norway were superior to Sweden but the methods applied by Sweden were superior to the likes of Germany.

That’s laughable. The AIER is a right-wing American think tank who were behind the ludicrous Great Barrington Declaration, an idea which followed the same modus operandi as previous fake “declarations” to deny the climate crisis. That piece is pure propaganda.

So you can’t argue the facts, therefore you try to discredit the source instead. You’re fooling no-one anymore sid, you’re a beaten docket.

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It’s an absolute stones Britain are having the summer we could have had if only for the lock down head bangers.

It’s just one big party in the uk for the last few weeks.

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Head to Donegal kid. Up here in Inishowen, all is back to normal. I sat in a pub all day Saturday watching the hurling. Not a facemask in sight.


If a “source” has a proven record of being a bad actor and a propaganda vehicle, I will dismiss it, yes, absolutely.

That piece you linked to is ludicrous. It claims that the difference in death rates between Sweden and its neighbours is due to fantastical factors and not the reality that it’s down to their differing public health measures.

In fact if you yourself are to take it seriously that would mean you are unintentionally dismissing any argument that Sweden’s approach had any merit - because that would be to say that public health measures or the lack of them play no part whatsoever in how a country deals with Covid - that it’s purely down to luck.

Which is obviously bollocks.

So, you still refuse to address the facts in the article. You’re an awful spoofer.

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I’m well familiar with your form during this pandemic and the sort of Aislingesque tinfoil hat nonsense you form your views from. Bye now.

You’re tired tactics are wearing thin sidney. Stick to the facts and stop with trying to muddy the waters by playing the man.