NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

With bona fide total morons like this making up the ruling party in the UK, what could go wrong?

If the great zero covid nation of Australia can’t stop delta than who can?

Our plan to put travellers from Tajikistan into MHQ saved us from the Delta variant?


Bizarre timing.

(UK Covid live: Boris Johnson gives coronavirus update from isolation | Politics | The Guardian)

Zahawi says from end of September only fully vaccinated people to be allowed into nightclubs and other crowded venues

In his statement to MPs Nadhim Zahawi , the vaccine deployment minister, also said that from the end of September nightclubs and other venues where large crowds gather would only be allowed to let in people who are fully vaccinated.

He said:

I encourage businesses to draw on support and use the NHS covid pass in the weeks ahead. We will be keeping a close watch on how it is used by venues and we reserve the right to mandate it. By the end of September everyone aged 18 and over will have the chance to receive full vaccination and the additional two weeks for that protection to really take hold.

At that point we make full vaccination a condition of entry to nightclubs and other venues where large crowds gather.

Proof of a negative test will no longer be sufficient. Any decisions will of course be subject to parliamentary scrutiny.

@Tassotti I thought ye were a proper country?

The cheese eating surrender monkeys are showing a bit of fight

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The cops joined in. The perverts time is up

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Bit of a difference there!


The irish media have been fairly silent on the situation in France or down playing it

Controversial British commentator Katie Hopkins will be deported after she posted a video on Instagram joking about answering the door naked and maskless to people delivering meals while she was in quarantine in a Sydney hotel.

:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


The irish in the England are as much of wums as the folk here

All is forgiven, Pat Hickey.

The people are rising up. No more Doctatorship. The Medical Industrial Complex is finished.


I meant to ask @flattythehurdler , is this a huge gamble by Boris?

I have no idea mate. Look, someone has to take a gamble at some point. If we have to live with a higher death rate, so be it, we can’t stay on life support as a society any longer. The elderly and most vulnerable have been for the most part vaccinated. Can’t expect the young wans to sacrifice any more. Personally, unless there is a huge significant spike in severe illness in otherwise well people, rather than in people who were likely to die in the next year or two anyway, then, awful as it is, it’s just the way it has to go.


Except their health…and in some cases, lives…

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité

The French won’t accept what paddy is lapping up. Claping hands like seal sheedy

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Excess deaths have been negative in England and Wales since the end of February, negative (485) for the week ending July 2nd.


Liam Seedy is the LIDTF crew personified, clapping like a madman thinking he has all the power forgetting the game as far from up

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