NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Extended to August 28th in Sydney, stay at home not working apparently. Hopefully this snap lockdown works.

It’s only the wogs out west we’re locking down. A lot more relaxed in the east. That’s the most crowded I’ve seen the surf all winter (even before “lockdown”).

How offensive is wog in Australia nowadays?

Anything goes mate, anything goes.

I’m friends with Greeks and Italians and they use it more than anyone.

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I was talking to my bother in Australia earlier to wish him a happy birthday, he’s thinking Limerick could win 2 All Irelands before he gets home again, it’s though enough

Probably trying to escape


More people “trapped”. God help them.

Australians to a tee there - a shower of wankers.

It’s horrendous, the Biden Ban is arbitrary and xenophobic. Thank goodness that the President’s powers on these things don’t extend much further as Biden would be going balls out to replicate hard lockdown countries if he could.

Military called in

They must’ve seen my beach snaps this morning :laughing:

If the Aussies deport a few sober skilled tradesmen to Ireland and lock up the friendship bracelet crew on their own territory that would be great.


Yeah, looked like a serious party there alright.

The green eyed monster raises his head :wink:

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Brisbane has fallen

China is in bother too.

Talk on the Brisbane outbreak is that it is another person who has only tested positive after 14 days. People are catching it in quarantine and/or incubating for longer.

30 days quarantine needed.

Jesus, maybe we’re not locking up the Kyrgistanis for long enough! :eek:

Georgia and Malaysia are on the list now. Georgians and Malaysians will become TOO DANGEROUS to enter Ireland from Wednesday morning (it’s usually Tuesday but bank holiday and all that). Meanwhile, the HSE have deemed Kuwaitis ok to enter again

There won’t be a cow milked in Kuwait tonight after that news.

I can’t believe it took us until now to ban those dirty Georgians. But what if some them arrive in on Tuesday carrying a highly transmissible VARIANT?