NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Is Denmark Scandinavian? From this tread Sweden clearly isn’t

Denmark is probably the most comparable country in the EU to Ireland. Why is that Denmark was able to relax all restrictions far faster than Ireland, and has now completely dispensed with them, and has far lower case numbers?

The only conclusion that you can draw is that Ireland’s restrictions continue to be ineffective at best, or counterproductive at worst.

Ah no. I won’t have a bad word about the “put your mask on when you go to the jacks” system we have at present in pubs. Saving thousands of lives that is

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I’ve rejoined the gym after about 10 months out of it with shoulder difficulty. No masks. If it was akin to pubs you’d be allowed take off a mask at whatever exercise station you’re at and then have to put one on to move to the next one. Which would be silly.

The mask rules for pubs don’t make any sense but they don’t bother me at all really. MHQ and the treatment of the live events sector are just disgraceful though.

Best wishes on your weight loss journey, mate.


Thanks for the good wishes pal. I’m 73.6 kilos. The aim will be to get back up to 75.


The vaccine must have rattled you hard.

Best of luck.

Dangerous experiment.

I think that’s the point…

Up your smash burger intake.

Probably bothers the staff who have to wear them for 8 or 10 hour shifts though. Even though we know they’re useless. Still though at least some very fearful people will feel safe.


I’m sure it does bother them, it seems unfair. I don’t know that we know they’re useless at all. I didn’t understand that was the prevailing opinion of scientists anyway, I thought it was the opposite.

No the most relevant study done in Denmark shows they’re next to useless but I wouldn’t need a scientist to tell me that wearing a blue piece of tissue paper over my face while walking to the jacks and then sitting in the same room as people for a number of hours was an exercise in futility.


Ah yeah, the putting them on and off in hospitality settings is clearly pointless. Wearing them consistently cut transmission though right?

Ah now. Sure if there’s one thing this respiratory disease hates it’s people breathing fresh air. That’s science so it is

It’s all about Paddy pretending to be a good boy, mask wearing is for morons.


Utter virtue signaling

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A lot of very angry lads here. Very angry. Imagine being angry about masks. Weird. Very weird.

That’s actually mental

What do you mean wearing them consistently? And how much does it reduce transmission by?