NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Iran did the same at the start of the pandemic. Their daily death figures were always very similar.

Its like the right wingers on grafton street

What a shithole

China had no cases let alone deaths from January 1st 2020 when they shut down the Covid riddled “seafood” market until January 23rd when they bolted everyone into their homes for three months. Except for the 5 million that had fled and scattered all over the world.

Anyone who believes that China only found about covid in the days leading up to the notification to the WHO on new years eve 2019 should get themselves checked. They knew long before that and there is enough evidence to prove this. Anyway the way the CCP operate is they say nothing get what lever facts they or can repress then apologise or accuse afterwards

They will never apologize. The virus came from outside China and was transferred there on frozen food. Either that or attendees at the military Olympic Games in Wuhan in October 2019 brought it. It couldn’t possibly come from the wild animals sold at markets as SARS-1 did or from the labs studying SARS viruses trying to make them more infectious to humans. Also it’s a complete coincidence that when SARS-2 showed up suddenly in late 2019 it was already well adapted to humans.

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Highly recommended thread. The author proposes a “sieve” theory for how unlikely it is that a virus can end up in the position SARS CoV-2 is now in.

…with the conclusion being…

All the covid mentallers are very quiet on China for some reason. Imagine the virus originated from the US, christ. They’ll bang on about the US, right wing, blah fucking blah but not a word about the country the thing came from nor their despicable actions on its discovery. It’s all very transparent.

I’ll be quite up front and state that China is paying me. I also know of at least three other posters here who are being paid by China.

You need to keep digging on this.


Don’t be ridiculous mate, no one would pay you to do anything, lol.

You may say “don’t be ridiculous”, but you’ve spent the last four or five years on here being ridiculous.

It’s time for you to take your own advice that you don’t believe.

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You working/being paid :joy: in fairness no matter what they say, you’re funny on the odd occasion

For somebody of such limited intelligence and high stupidity I don’t think you’re in any position to laugh at anybody as regards anything.

You, with a job :grinning:

It’s absolutely tremenjus you think so much about me. Rent free, I believe the term is.

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There were numerous studies done on Wuhan residents in the decade prior to SARS-2 and not one person ever found to be infected with SARS-1 or any SARS virus. SARS-2 was the first time anyone in Wuhan was infected by a SARS virus. So it can’t be an obvious candidate compared to southern Chinese cities that had thousands of SARS-1 cases.

Anyone quoting Peter Daszak as a source should be ignored as Peter is too compromised to comment impartially. He is desperate to convince the world of zoonotic origin as lab leak implicates him directly.

There simply is no direct evidence of either lab origin or zoonotic origin, but the behavior of the WIH suggests lab origin. Why would they take down their entire database in October 2019 before the pandemic and refuse to give anyone access to it since? Why isn’t Peter Daszak or Michael Worobey demanding access to the data?

If it quacks like a duck.

“I’ve been wrong about everything so far and shown a hilarious propensity to believe disinformation and conspiracy theories pushed by right wing media and politicians and if an actual expert who knows a lot more than me says something I don’t like I’ll just dismiss them.”

If it quacks like a duck…

Tut tut.

The experts are completely divided on the subject which you would know if you knew anything on the topic. But you don’t so you flail away.

The most obvious explanations given no evidence of zoonotic after two years is the WIH who sampled thousands of SARS viruses in southern China since 2003 had a lab accident where a worker got infected and walked out of the lab. A lab leak does not have to be a modified virus it could have been one of the natural ones they sampled.

The only experts who argue strongly against lab leak are those working on similar research as it would be devastating to their research community.

Now it’s “the experts are divided”.

Quite the climbdown from this:

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capsicum spray mate

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