Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

The biggest issue is that most scientists in this field are scared shitless of losing their funding, and frankly many of them are compromised.

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OK. Iā€™m not interested in the facts and am a shill for the Chinese Communist Party. Whatever you say.

TFK is lucky to have me.

Honestly at last.

And of course there would no issue at all with US right-wing politicians and media trying to spread a narrative for their own gain. None at all.

The calls for a new investigation are from very credible scientists (including Ralph Baric who collaborated with the WIV on GOF research), who now feel safer speaking out as they are not being falsely accused of being Trump supporters like in 2020. The evidence that has been uncovered in the past year is just too significant to ignore. There is about a one in a trillion chance this virus came from a zoonotic source.

You said earlier there was no evidence.

Now suddenly thereā€™s overwhelming evidence, and the chances are ā€œone in a trillionā€ that youā€™re not right.

Youā€™re tying yourself up in knots.

The mere manner of the way you put your argument across is an obvious giveaway that you havenā€™t a bullā€™s notion what youā€™re on about.

Nobody who has a genuine interest in finding out the truth about such a question uses such language.

Circumstantial evidence, and itā€™s overwhelming. There is no direct evidence to support either hypothesis.
You have zero knowledge of the science involved mate, stop embarrassing yourself.

And neither do you.

But I do, and if you had any knowledge of science you would know this.


This confirms my point of you knowing absolutely nothing about science. The opinion of a scientist on a given problem is called a hypothesis, not a theory. No hypothesis is credible unless it has some evidence to support it. A hypothesis only becomes a theory after extensive testing against itā€™s predictions to both test for agreement with the claims of the hypothesis and more importantly to test that it can be falsified.

All of the evidence points to lab origin, there is zero evidence supporting zoonotic origin.

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But I donā€™t claim to know anything about science.

Your little rant there about hypothesis/theory is very needy stuff altogether.

So thereā€™s no evidence, but also itā€™s a trillion to one shot against.

You genuinely sound like somebody in a pub ranting about the moon landings being faked.

There is a ton of evidence. Itā€™s all out there if you want to educate yourself. Start by reading every paper on bat coronaviruses published by the WIV since 2003.

OK. Iā€™ll do that. Just like you have. :grin:

Look its June 21 not March 20. Knowledge on this disease has grown so much in that time. You canā€™t continue to stand by the evidence for the origins or public health approach that was said at that time.

Iā€™m not really sure what youā€™re on about. The problem with this forum is lads continue to stick to wrong beliefs out of sheer pigheadedness. I have have very good record of not doing that, probably the best on the forum.

As exemplified by by my treating the UK variant very seriously when the other idiot was constantly saying it was bullshit, also the Indian variant, I correctly anticipated it as a problem very early, some lads still canā€™t even bring themselves to admit it is.

The only thing you have a good record on is lying.


It seems like Iā€™m lying down rent free in your head anyway.

Iā€™m optimistic that theyā€™ll eventually discover a variant that is less transmissible than the Kent variant

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