NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

My opinion, which I am entitled to and qualified to make.

Unlike you.

I think it’s quite obvious you’re more than qualified to utter an opinion like “there’s a trillion to one chance it’s not zoonotic”. Given you’ve spent your life making clueless hot takes on the internet, I couldn’t think of anybody better qualified.

However nobody who has an actual relevant qualification in a relevant field and is of sound mind would make such a claim.

That’s what grifters do. It’s all very Bret Weinstein.

It really bothers you that communists are responsible for murdering millions of people (again).

Stick to predicting Mayo all Ireland wins, you will be right eventually.

He doesn’t mind when left wing nutjobs are murdering millions of people, it’s only abhorrent when right wing people do it.

These are the mental gymnastics this freak swims in every day.


It’s abhorrent if a right winger shares something on a tweet.

Genocide or releasing a virus causing a pandemic is ok

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There you go again, shouting about communists.

Yesterday you posted a picture of what seemed a very nice bar beside the sea, presumably with the implication that you were in it.

And you were still on here shouting about communists and shouting that I’m a communist.

Do you have any idea at all how much of freak this makes you look? :grinning:

Well I think any normal people (as opposed to Fox News loving freaks like @labane1917 and @Enrique) had long gathered that was your actual opinion given that you’ve consistently been so against any sensible public measures during the pandemic.

I suppose calling someone genocidal because they are against lockdowns is like calling someone racist because they are in favour of travel bans

Genocide involves mass death. It seems fairly axiomatic that if you are against all lockdowns and common sense public health precautions, you are in favour of mass death.

It’s not my problem if you have a problem with the truth, it’s yours.

It’s tremenjusly instructive to see you throw in your lot with the Fox News conspiracy theory crowd on this forum by the way, it really is.

I’m against lockdowns cos they don’t work

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They do work and have always worked. It’s basic science. Claiming they don’t work is right wing political ideology, and right wing political ideology alone.

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Like those crazy right wing Swedes


They don’t work and have never worked. It’s basic science. Claiming they do work is left wing political ideology, and left wing political ideology alone and completely delusional.

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OK Professor Chaos.

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Getting more and more like China, they’re attacking the media now

Best of luck with the formal complaint, Gay. :wink:

You cant protest against the government. Very healthy democracy

Australia needs to man up and accept a death rate like Bulgaria’s current one. Which would mean 400-500 deaths a day from Covid.

That would be responsible government.

Refusal to walk under the bus is nothing more than cowardice.

A concept beyond your understanding.

And yet some of these look almost sensible in comparison to some of the lads we have here. :grinning: