NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Just another 2 weeks should do it :sweat_smile:


The next two weeks are crucial


Breaking news- more reckless behaviour. The beachside coffees might be under threat.


It was a gorgeous day today. I got down to Yarra Bay for a dip. Nice little crowd around… everyone embracing the summer vibes that come with the beautiful weather :hugs:

North bondi looked unrale. Best lockdown ever!


tis backwards they are going

No wonder these jokers can’t contemplate leaving the Commonwealth. 2MW lol

Scandalous behaviour

Probably the single most depressing yet damning demonstration of just how nuts right wing propaganda has got.

Up the rebels


Trying to save lives is so utterly monstrous. “Monster, monster”, as Eric Hall might have said.

Pity. Three cops in riot gear bating all roundthem. A boxer jumps in, takes on the three of them and forces a retreat. Twas beautiful so it was

Which is more dangerous to American kids, Covid or the second amendment?

Punching a riot shield :rofl:

Big unit.

Yet another thing that’s fascinating during this pandemic is how the self proclaimed “law and order” brigade have turned into cheerleaders for thuggery and criminality.

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He was crying out for a few rubber bullets, that ape.

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