NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Probably off his head on marching powder. Or Ivermectin.

I see the touts are up and about early today

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Are you supporting off label use of drugs now ?

That’s some pivot.

The only thing pivoting is your brain. Round and round and round.

I’ve never said anything about the use of off label drugs by responsible doctors.

What I object to is the development of a worldwide cult based on nothing, by parasitical right wing culture war grifters.

Whereas the Covid vaccines actually work.

Do you see the difference?

Ivermectin is an anti-parasite. Yet another irony that those making grandiose claims about it are some of the biggest parasites on the planet.

What’s your view on Ivermectin?

News for @Tierneevin1979
You don’t need a mask if the spirit moves you…presumably the spirit also protects you?

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I saw a sign in a fuel station yesterday to say you don’t need a mask if you have a medical exemption and you won’t be asked if you have a medical exemption it you don’t wear a mask


Yet another fascinating turn during the pandemic has been to see the same lads who are the biggest moaners about so called “cancel culture” turn into the biggest cheerleaders of cancel culture.

Face nappies are just for virtue signalers, they aren’t worth a fuck


Is there any law and order down under?

A new hero for @glenshane and the lads - a middle aged piece of gammon getting drink at a petrol station who refused to wear a mask and then returned to shoot dead the 20 year student working there who had asked him to wear it.

Looks like Premier Andrews made a real stuff up there in shutting down construction.

:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Melbourne is descending into anarchy

Aussie cops not messing about. Can you imagine if Seamus out of Templemore had access to these firearms

The ARU guys are fairly fucking tooled up.

The fraud of “focussed protection” exposed for what it is. A million Brendan Mullins still wouldn’t come close to it in their deception and dishonesty.

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A “hilarious” picture of somebody falling asleep. Thanks for proving my point beautifully.

You are paranoid pal and seeing things that are not there.

It’s a man in a funny hat.