NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

The hypochondriacs aren’t going for tests anymore

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Everyone is dead


Morale improved so the beatings stopped?

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Masks are a cod. Making it worse.


Face nappies are a waste of time

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How to Wear Face Masks Tactically for Best Covid Protection Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Very strict on the green pass here in Italy. Needed for everywhere. Most big buildings have a rapid test facility outside to allow unvaccinated people use facilities too.

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“Here in Italy.”

But that’s surely impossible. You said there was no international travel.

Oh dear, caught out lying again.

Makes sense to have a testing element to go with the green pass. What’s Italy’s case numbers like? Presumably way worse than Ireland due to having relaxed restrictions much earlier and due to having a testing element to their green pass system? The testing element couldn’t possibly work in practice, obviously.

When is the surge coming that you said was inevitable ?

You are, bizarrely, seething at the return to our pre Covid world

It’s fascinating to watch

First off, your post contains a ludicrous straw man, which is essentially personal abuse, which I suppose is comforting to you in terms of reaffirming your biases, but is not remotely connected to reality.

That doesn’t do much for you in terms of debating.

Did you have a look at the graph from England last night?

Here, I’ll post it again.

Currently we don’t appear to be having a surge in terms of the overall population, which is great.

Can you hazard a guess as to why that might be?

But looking at that graph, are you telling me we won’t have a surge in schools? What’s your view?

You’re always strangely reticent to ever give a view. Funny that.

No idea what they are like. Everywhere I’ve eaten or drank inside so far has asked for it. Now I’m in a big city so maybe in rural areas they are looser.

No surge so. Thanks for that.

No surge in hospitalization of unvaccinated kids. Can you offer a view why that might be?

You didn’t address any of my points.

Are you not able to?

There’s no surge in hospitalisation because kids don’t get very sick with Covid.

There’s no surge in cases of adults at all.

Happy to help.

Again, you haven’t addressed a single one of my points.

Are you in favour of vaccination for 12 and up, and when approved, for all ages?

If not, why not?

Do you have children? If so, are they vaccinated for measles?

Seems there’s been a pretty dramatic decline, great stuff. Full steam ahead

And if that is the case, it thoroughly disproves @Tierneevin1979 and his newly revealed anti-vaccine stance.

The point is, we have a large remaining unvaccinated cohort, children.

Who a lot of posters here want to remain unvaccinated. Based on nothing except ideology.

Choo choo.

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I remember an anti-vax poster on here saying vaccines didn’t work against the South African variant…